In case you are using (e)dismax query parser, you can use bf (additive) or 
boost (multiplier) to boost results. You have field function to access the 
field value (can also just use field name in most places.

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> On 10 Apr 2018, at 01:26, OTH <omer.t....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to assign a higher score to certain documents based on a
> 'weight' field?
> E.g., if I have the following two documents:
> {
>        "name":"United Kingdom",
>        "weight":2730,
> } {
>        "name":"United States of America",
>        "weight":11246,
> }
> Currently, if I issue the following query:
> q=name:united
> These are the scores I get:
> {
>        "name":"United Kingdom",
>        "weight":2730,
>        "score":9.464103},
> } {
>        "name":"United States of America",
>        "weight":11246,
>        "score":7.766276}]
> }
> However, I'd like the score to somehow factor in the number in the "weight"
> column.  (And hence, increase the score assigned to "United States of
> America" in this case.)
> Much thanks

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