Please show the _exact_ query you're using. What is td-dt? A
date-field? A field name?
And if a field name is it literally "ds-dt"? If so, be aware that
hyphens are not officially
supported in field names. The recommendation is that your Solr fields
have follow the
recommendation here:

"Field names should consist of alphanumeric or underscore characters
only and not start with a digit."


On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 4:47 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to messages based on ts-dt value in solr 6.2.1.
> *        One collection with only one shard, we are able to group ts-dt
> without error, but performance is getting worse over time
> *        Multiple collections with only one shard each, we are able to group
> ts-dt without error for each collection shard, but performance is getting
> worse over time
> *        One collection with multiple shards, we can't group ts-dt. Example
> error message" Error from server at
> http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8983/solr/test4s2rf_shard4_replica2: Invalid Date
> String:'Tue Sep 06 02:53:00 UTC 2016'" . In the error message, the Date
> string is not in the format that we write into solr, enhance we can't find
> it in solr. And every time we do grouping, the error message is different,
> for instance we run grouping second time, error could be "Error from server
> at http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8983/solr/test4s2rf_shard1_replica1: Invalid Date
> String:'Tue Aug 02 03:42:03 UTC 2016'"
> Has anyone had similar problem? Where could be the place we did wrong?
> Br,
> Xiao

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