I'm getting the incorrect the reported time deltas on the admin console for
"indexing since" and "started". It looks like DIH is converting the last
start time to UTC:

Last Update: 09:57:15

Indexing completed. Added/Updated: 94078 documents. Deleted 0 documents.
(Duration: 06s)

Requests: 1 , Fetched: 94,078 15,680/s, Skipped: 0 , Processed: 94,078

Started: about 5 hours ago

Server is configured for the EST timezone.

Timezone is set in solr.in.sh:
# By default the start script uses UTC; override the timezone if needed

DIH propertywriter specifies timezone in date format:
<propertyWriter dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"
type="SimplePropertiesWriter"  />

And timezone is actually being written out in dataimport.properties:
#Fri Mar 02 09:55:11 EST 2018
last_index_time=2018-03-02 09\:55\:06 EST
autosuggest.last_index_time=2018-03-02 09\:55\:06 EST

The code in DataImporter.doc looks like it is pulling the starttime
directly from the PropertyWriter,

so I'm a little stuck what else needs to be configured here.

  public void doFullImport(DIHWriter writer, RequestInfo requestParams) {

    LOG.info("Starting Full Import");


    try {

      DIHProperties dihPropWriter = createPropertyWriter();



Thank you,


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