
I made an Admin Class Sonata that has a method:

*protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper 
*    {*
*        $query = $this->getConfigurationPool()*
*            ->getContainer()*
*            ->get('Doctrine')*
*            ->getRepository(AppBundle:Produto')*
*            ->filterByProduto();*

*       $datagridMapper->add('produto.descricao', null, array(*
*            'label' => 'Produto'*
*        ), null, array(*
*            'expanded' => false,*
*            'multiple' => true,*
*            'query_builder' => $query*
*        ));*
*    }*

 and I would like the outcome of this consultation was exported to a .txt 

What would be the correct way to perform this procedure via Sonata, please?

Thank you,

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