Please do respond to this monster, Margolis! Boba

Foreign Correspondent / Defense Analyst & Columnist
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© 2005 Eric Margolis 
Archives > November 28, 2005 

November 28, 2005

NEW YORK - Never in my lifetime have I seen the United States so hated and
despised around the globe. Only five years ago, the world’s image of the US
was generally positive. No longer. Thank the neocon cabal that has been
running US foreign policy. 

But many Americans still don’t know, or care, that much of the outside
world sees their nation as a dangerous rogue state, and President George
Bush and mentor VP Dick Cheney as the real axis of evil. They are as
brainwashed as were Russians who depended on Soviet party-line media for
their view of the world.

Every week bring new outrages: legal chicanery by the Dept of Injustice;
secret gulags; FBI snooping; exposure of more outrageous lies over Iraq;
and sickening revelations about Dick Cheney and his merry band of

One of the finest and most honorable Americans I have ever known, former
CIA Director, Admiral Stansfield Turner, just called Cheney, `the Vice
President for torture.’

But the world also needs to remember Bosnia and Kosova. 

The tenth anniversary last week of the Dayton Accords that ended the
genocidal war in Bosnia, and the 1999 rescue of Kosova’s Albanians from
genocide, must remind everyone – especially the Muslim World – that the US
used to be a champion of human rights rather than what it has today become,
one of the world’s major offenders.

In late 1995, Serb demagogue Slobodan Milosevic’s attempt to create a
Greater Serbia by Nazi-style ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Muslims
and Catholics was finally stopped by the US and NATO. The US imposed a
settlement that forced Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims into a cold but
lasting peace. 

But not before over 200,000 Bosnian Muslims had been slaughtered in
Europe’s worst crimes against humanity since World War II. Eighty percent
of the Bosnian War’s victims were Muslims. At Srebrenica alone, some 8,000
Muslim men and boys were murdered. Videotapes show laughing, joking Serb
soldiers casually shooting bound prisoners in scenes recalling Nazi SS
field extermination squads at work. 

When Milosevic unleashed the old evil of racism and religious hatred,
Europe dithered as Bosnians and Croats were massacred, mosques blown up,
millions driven from their homes by terrorism, and Muslims treated as
subhuman untermensch. The US also procrastinated far too long as ethnic
cleansing continued. 

Shamefully, the Muslim World did even less. As fellow Muslims were being
savagely murdered, and Muslim women gang raped, by Serbs, Muslim nations,
with millions of soldiers available, closed their eyes. The only aid to
Bosnia came from small numbers of mujahedin veterans of Afghanistan and
some arms from Iran. 

Interestingly, the US aided both the mujahedin and Iranian arms in reaching
isolated Bosnia. Today, Washington brands both Islamic fighters and Iran as
terrorists. Muslim Americans who raised funds to aid Bosnian victims of
genocide and rape have been jailed by the US government as backers of

The US offered $25 million reward for Osama bin Laden. Yet the uber-rich
Saudi so-called defenders of Islam never offered a dime for
Muslim-murderers, Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. By
contrast, prominent American Jewish groups, led by the American Jewish
Congress, who knew the stench of reborn Nazism when they smelled it,
furiously demand Washington take action to save Balkan Muslims. 

As Bosnia’s massacres intensified, President Bill Clinton finally bombed
Serbia into peace talks with Croats and Bosnians. In 1999, the US again
intervened militarily to compel Serbia to halt its killing and mass ethnic
cleansing of Kosova’s two million Muslim and Catholic Albanians. 

The United States became the savior of the Balkan’s oppressed Muslims -a
fact the Muslim World, which today seethes with anti-US hatred -has sadly
forgotten. In the Balkans, the US acted to defend principles for which it
had always stood, however imperfectly: justice, human rights and

Concern the Bosnian War and Kosova might ignite a wider Balkan conflict of
course partly motivated Washington’s interventions in the region. But this
writer, who was closely involved in the conflict and the political battle
over it in Washington, remains convinced that the White House’s primary
motivation was humanitarian.

Unfortunately, such an expression of humanity did not extend to Iraq, whose
wretched people were subjected to the US-led embargo that resulted in the
deaths of some 500,000 Iraqis from disease and malnutrition. But that’s
another grim story. 

The Dayton Accords were deeply flawed. They preserved the fruits of ethnic
terrorism by keeping large areas of Bosnia `Muslimfrei.’ Serbs, Muslims and
Croats barely cooperated and kept apart. 

Worst of all, Serb war criminals Mladic, Karadzic and a score of others
escaped justice. Serbia must be bared from the EU and kept under sanctions
until it sends these neo-Nazis to the Hague Court to join their master,
Milosevic in facing justice. Serbia’s government knows perfectly well where
these criminals are. A week’s oil embargo of Serbia would produce quick

Negotiated peace treaties are rarely totally satisfactory. All sides end up
losers. Still, Dayton ended the killing and has kept peace in Bosnia and
the Balkans ever since. For that the much-rebuked Clinton Administration
deserves high praise.

In Bosnia, and again, Kosova, America was a savior and liberator of the
oppressed – as in World War II. Fighting injustice and suffering is what
the US should be doing again today. That is my America, the nation I was
raised in and in whose armed forces I proudly served. The little would-be
Mussolinis in Washington are not part of my America. 

The rescue of Bosnia and Kosova were among America’s finest hours. 

Copyright Eric S. Margolis 2005


*Good riddance to former Public Broadcasting Corp chairman Kenneth
Tomlinson. The White House put him in charge of PBS, one of the few
un-self-censored media left in the US, with orders to root out
`liberalism,’ and any criticism of Israel. Investigators found he
repeatedly broke US law, ethnics, and kept trying to pack programming with
pro-war neoconservatives. He was finally fired.

Interestingly, I stopped broadcasting for Canada’s TV Ontario in 2003 for
precisely the same reason. The neocon producing the foreign affairs shows I
did there kept packing the guest list with the most rabid pro-war,
Washington neocons and promoting the war against Iraq. After attempts to
censor my commentary, I left. It is unacceptable for a public broadcaster
to be promoting any party line, far right or left.

*Canada, that often neglected land, is heading into an interesting election
pitting the near eternal party of government, the Liberals, against the
Conservatives, Bloc Quebecois, and leftwing NDP. Under normal
circumstances, anyone should be able to beat the Liberals, a deeply
corrupt, crooked, cynical party that has been in power far too long. But
the Conservatives leadership is so weak that the Liberals are likely to
form another minority government. Canadians don’t like change and are
scared that the western-based Conservatives may harbor secret Bushite
tendencies. As a 19th century British writer opined of Canada, `Rich by
nature; poor by government.’

*Keep an eye on Thailand. Local discontent by Muslims in the nation’s
southern provinces has been transformed by brutal police and military
crackdowns, into a real insurrection. None of this was necessary. Now
Thailand joins the Philippines in having an indigenous Muslim insurrection
that has nothing to do with Osama bin Laden but everything to do with
oppression of indigenous Muslims and theft of their ancestral lands.

*I stayed recently in New York’s fabled Pierre Hotel, which my father
almost bought in the 1950’s. How truly sad to see this grande dame of
Gotham’s hotels run down, shabby and decaying. Helpful staff did not
compensate for awful, claustrophobic rooms with Stalinist décor, rumbling
ventilation systems, and a feel of neglect. I fear the Pierre will go the
way of the similarly neglected Plaza.


Posted by Eric Margolis on November 28, 2005 12:31 PM 

Crusades were blessing in disguise for Europeans and this war will be a
blessing in disguise for Islam. A religion that has the potential to bring
peace in an ordinary mans life. Only time will tell.

Posted by Peace at November 28, 2005 05:24 PM

The US aggression in Bosnia and Kosovo were a “wag the dog” response to
domestic problems. Simplifying and reducing a civil war to blaming one side
for civil war and ethnic cleansing that occured on all sides is not going
to make an “pro-Americans” out of people around the world who already know

Milosevic was a pig, but Bin Laden was IN Kosovo and his men were killing
Croat and Serb civilians.

Posted by murphyslaw at November 28, 2005 05:31 PM

Murpheyslaw, you make me sick to hear you as a Serb apologist of barbarous
conduct. Glibly saying ethinic cleansing took place on all sides is like
saying an Olympic size swimming pool of blood is equivalent to a teaspoon
full. You leaev the impression of being stupid, cruel and that you and the
Serbs have learned nothing. I agree with Eric that the US intervention was
humanitarian, albeit late in coming. Indeed, shame on the Muslim countries
that did nothing to intervene. Their active neglect makes me wonder if
their version of Islam is surrender to the point of victimhood, a stance
that rightly would have offended Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Murphyslaw’s note
sadly confirms my cynicism about what is becoming a darker world.

Posted by ghawley at November 28, 2005 06:00 PM

If the Liberals have been in power so long in Canada, it’s only because
everytime the Conservatives get power, they screw it up. In the 1960’s,
Diefenbaker cancelled the Arrow fighter jet project from which the military
and the Canadian aerospace industry never recovered. His debacle was
followed by 20 years of Liberal rule. In the 1990’s, Brian Mulroney (Lyin’
Brian) promised honest government, no free trade and lower taxes. Instead
he gave us the GST (Goods and Services Tax), the North Amercian Free Trade
Agreement (whose only purpose was to guarantee american access to cdn oil &
gas) and enough pork-barreling to choke a horse. He left power with the
lowest approval rating in history and was followed by 10 years of Liberal
rule. Even today, with an election looming, the Conservative leadership is
populated with little-american-wanna-be’s. They have no vision of an
independent Canada and no empathy for canadian values. Indeed, they have
surrendered the souls of their children because they even get their sunday
school lessons from the war mongering christian right.

Posted by doppleganger at November 28, 2005 07:09 PM
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