Fond istine o Srbima - Foundation of Truth on Serbs
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Svetski Sabor Srba - World Serb Congress

An Annulment of Republic of Srebian Krajina
5th August 1995 - 5th August 2006

On the Revival of Euro centrism

"Politics is a job"
Lord Salisbury

After the ethnic cleansing of the Serbs in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and
Kosovo and Metohia, after the first war in the history of the European
Union, i.e. the punitive expedition by 19 states against the Serbs in 1999 -
to the chronicler is left little more than to, in a peace that is just a
continuation of war, record instances of the duplicity and hypocrisy of
Euro-Atlantic civilization. The fact that the heroes of Euro centism aren't
just personalities of a punishably low moral level but devoted racists as
well, is confirmed by the observation of New York Times correspondent David
Binder, who writes that "Serbia has become an object of repulsion in the
international community, even hate. On the political-intellectual global
axis, which runs from Paris to London, to Washington and New York, all the
way to Hollywood, the anti-Serb sentiment is equal to or even greater than
the one directed against Nazi Germany."

Even though it wasn't at war with any member of the NATO alliance, the
enlightened barbarians bestially bombed Serbia, dismantled its
ethnic-historical territories and applied a program of annihilation to the
Serbian nation. The Euro-Atlantic political lobby (before all Germany, the
U.S. and the Vatican) is the most responsible for the dismemberment of
Yugoslavia (1991), the economic sanctions of the E.C. and the UN against
Serbia and Montenegro within the framework of the third Yugoslavia (1991 and
1992), the massacres of Yugoslav Army reserves in Karlovac and Sarajevo
(1991 and 1992), massacres of indigenous Serb populations in Croatia in
zones protected by UN peacekeeping forces (1992, 1993 and 1995), the killing
of 12 babies in Banja Luka (1992), the abrogation of the Lisbon Agreement
(1992) and the breaking out of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina (as testified by
political analyst Sir Alfred Sherman).

The same actors are solely responsible for the restructuring of the NATO
alliance (1991), which has transformed from a defender of the peace to a
threat to global peace, for the decision of the E.C. to recognize the
sovereignty of Slovenia, Croatia (1992) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (without the
consent of the constitutive Serb people), for the permanent demonization of
the Serbs (from 1990), for violating the arms embargo (1991) and the
logistical support given to all sides in the war against the Serbs, for the
even harsher sanctions imposed by the Security Council (1993), for the
establishment of the ad hoc military tribunal in The Hague (1993), for the
concealment of the joint crime against the Serbs, which was confirmed by
Richard Holbrooke's smug statement to the BBC: "I realized that the
Tribunal... is a very valuable weapon... and we used it to justify
everything that followed." The Euro-Atlantic political mercenaries are,
undoubtedly, the main criminals that carried out the ethnic cleansing of the
Serbs in Croatia and the destruction of the Republic of Serb Krajina (1995),
followed by the administrative extinguishing of post-Dayton Republika Srpska
(from 1996), the drive to push Montenegro out of its union with Serbia (from
1999), the recognition of the right of the Albanian terrorists to an
independent Kosovo (1999), and the stoking of ethnic tensions among the
Hungarians and Croats in Vojvodina, the Vlachs and Roma in Serbia, the
Albanians in the Vranje Basin (Presevo Valley) in Serbia and the Muslims in
Serbia's Raska region.

Moreover, the Euro-Atlantic lobby bombed Republika Srpska in 1995, with
depleted uranium projectiles, which it also used in the military aggression
against the Serbs in 1999. Rejoicing in the celebration of
might-makes-right, i.e. the military campaign cynically named "Merciful
Angel" and the military destruction (1999) of Serbia's infrastructure and
the collateral damage whose victims were schools, churches, factories,
day-care centers, TV stations, and civilians, especially children - at the
proposal of the Government of Tony Blair and with the blessing of Queen
Elizabeth II, England crowned Javier Solana, the NATO Secretary-General,
with the title of Knight of the most prestigious British Order of St.
Michael and St. George.

The leading European states have, under American diktat, trampled all rights
in this crusade, demonstrating that, for them - the prisoners of a
hegemonistic biography - the right of power is equal to the power of right.
With a special kind of passion, following the American political program,
since the summer of 1999, the Europeans have, along with the Americans,
supported Albanian-Muslim atrocities against Christian Serbs and the
destruction of monasteries, cemeteries and churches in Kosovo and Metohia -
just as earlier, in the same way, they encouraged the joint attack of the
Catholics in Croatia and the Muslims in Bosnia against the Orthodox Serbs.
That is perhaps the reason why the prominent Byzantologist Steven Runciman
described the campaign against the Orthodox Serbian nation and the NATO
armada's aggression against Serbia and Montenegro as "the last act of
Western barbarism against Eastern Christianity."

American totalitarian policy, which views the world in terms of cooperative
"human and natural resources" harnessed into the ever-increasing prosperity
of Washington's "national interest," has found an ideal partner in its
European ally - just as it has found in the Papal Empire its most
impassioned propagator. Imprisoned by its own biography, it was natural for
the American frontier aristocracy to program the disintegration of communist
Yugoslavia and support the secessionism of Tito's former republics. To be
sure, in its vassal-like association with America, the European elite
recognized its political chance to exchange its lost political compass for a
revitalized neo-conquista. That's why the Serbs, as a historical nation, had
to pay a big price, having become an obstacle to the dynamically initiated
globalistic recomposition of the world.

Marked for execution and historical death (it was back in 1909 that Vladan
Djordjevic, in his work "Die serbische Frage," revealed the European
sentencing of Serbia to political death), from the very beginning of the
deliberately caused Yugoslav crisis and the break-up of "Titoslavia," the
Serbs have been subjected to demonization and a planned economic, military,
psychological and media genocide. Like a true American democrat, U.S.
Secretary of State James Baker drew up new borders for the Serbs in 1991 -
corresponding to the borders of Serbia before the Balkan Wars, while
Lawrence Eagleburger, former U.S. Ambassador to Belgrade, like a true
American humanist, declared that "Serbian children won't smile for the next
50 years."

But in the era of the mediocre Western Christian civilization and a deformed
political ideal, the question of the meaning of truth, even if it should not
survive in the kingdom of political freedom, cannot be denied in the kingdom
of spiritual freedom. For this reason, this writer is refraining in advance
from the illusion of seeking the truth where it has already taken on the
characteristics of lies. Especially not in anti-Christian Europe which, at
the end of the XX century, tried to cleanse its malignant past in order to
(following its aggressive experimenting on the Serbs between 1991 and 1999)
carry out an inverted project in the XXI century: to perform a
de-Nazification of the victims. That's why, in the name of its current
political interests, Europe hypocritically invalidated the truth uttered by
Simon Wiesenthal, even though this truth has lost nothing of its factual
convincingness: "the crimes committed against the Serbs on the part of the
fascists, the Croatian Ustashe, in the infamous Jasenovac concentration
camp, must be revealed - for they are crimes equal to those committed
against the Jews during the Holocaust." On the other hand, Europe has
already erased from its memory the fact that it committed three aggressions
against the Serbs in the XX century alone.

Lastly, it would be absolutely irresponsible to seek the virtue of truth in
post-Christian America. Thus, I underline: the
awash-with-hypocrisy-and-corruption American Congress is not the place for
preserving truth and justice, just as the blackmailed UN is not the center
of global arbitration - especially since the U.S. regularly initiates its
military actions without UN approval. By co-opting Germany, this institution
has invalidated the reasons for its founding, especially having in mind that
Germany, in violation of its own constitution, was an active participant in
the war against the Serbs in 1999.

After all, didn't Bertrand Russell once say that "the love for the truth in
America has been eclipsed by the spirit of commerce."

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Iustitiae oculis semper vigilat
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