

Contact Group Ministers together with the EU High Representative, the EU
Presidency, the European Commissioner for Enlargement, the NATO
Secretary-General and UN representatives including the UN Special Status
Envoy and SRSG met on 31 January in London. Ministers express their profound
regret over the loss of President Ibrahim Rugova, who had won the world's
respect for his principled advocacy of human rights and democracy.

Ministers emphasise the importance they attach to a lasting Kosovo status
settlement that promotes a multi-ethnic society. This would immeasurably
enhance regional stability, as well as the European and Euro-Atlantic
perspectives of Serbia, Kosovo and of the region as a whole. Ministers
recall that the character of the Kosovo problem, shaped by the
disintegration of Yugoslavia and consequent conflicts, ethnic cleansing and
the events of 1999, and the extended period of international administration
under UNSCR 1244, must be fully taken into account in settling Kosovo's
status. UNSCR 1244 remains the framework for the ongoing status process,
with the Security Council and Contact Group continuing to play key roles. 

Ministers believe that all possible efforts should be made to achieve a
negotiated settlement in the course of 2006. To this end, Ministers strongly
support the work of UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari. They call on Belgrade
and Pristina to work constructively with him to find realistic solutions to
the many difficult issues that need to be addressed. These should include,
inter alia, freedom of movement, transparent and constructive links between
local communities in Serbia and Kosovo, mechanisms for resolving the fate of
missing persons and a specific package of measures for the protection of
religious communities and sites. Arrangements for good relations between
Belgrade and Pristina and within the region must also be part of a settlement.

Ministers stress that effective provisions for the decentralisation of
government will be crucial to the status settlement. Decentralisation can
ensure that minority communities remain a vital part of Kosovo's future and
give impetus to the return of displaced persons who should be able to choose
where they live in Kosovo. Ministers call on the parties to engage seriously
on this issue. 

The Provisional Institutions of Self-Government, alongside all communities
in Kosovo, must do much more to ensure that the UN Security Council-endorsed
Standards are implemented. Their commitment is crucial to the prospects for
a sustainable status settlement that enables all communities to live and
thrive in safety. Ministers also call on Kosovo's Serbs and other minority
communities to seize the opportunity of the status process to ensure their
concerns are fully addressed.

The Contact Group Guiding Principles of November 2005 make clear that there
should be: no return of Kosovo to the pre-1999 situation, no partition of
Kosovo, and no union of Kosovo with any or part of another country.
Ministers re-state the international community's willingness to establish,
for an interim period after a settlement, appropriate international civilian
and military structures to help ensure compliance with the settlement's
provisions. Day-to-day governance , which must be conducted on a
multi-ethnic basis, should rest with Kosovo's duly-elected representatives.
Ministers recall NATO's continuing commitment to maintain a safe and secure
environment through KFOR. 

Ministers look to Belgrade to bear in mind that the settlement needs, inter
alia, to be acceptable to the people of Kosovo. The disastrous policies of
the past lie at the heart of the current problems. Today, Belgrade's leaders
bear important responsibilities in shaping what happens now and in the
future. The Contact Group, the EU and NATO stand ready to support Serbian
democratic forces in taking this opportunity to move Serbia forward.
Ministers welcome the arrest of Jovo Djogo but reiterate that the leadership
must fulfil their repeated pledges to co-operate fully with ICTY, notably in
respect of Mladic and Karadzic. Ministers equally urge Pristina to recognise
that a multi-ethnic settlement is the only workable option and that the more
the vital interests of minorities are addressed the quicker a broadly
acceptable agreement can be reached. Ministers warn those seeking to use
violence that they will undermine their own cause.

Lastly, Ministers emphasise that a negotiated settlement is the best way
forward. It will help to create the circumstances in which a settlement can
be made to work for the benefit of all. Constructive engagement by the
parties will also pave the way for a European and Euro-Atlantic future.
Ministers urge leaders in Serbia and Kosovo to show the political courage
and vision necessary to come forward with realistic and far-sighted
proposals for the future of both Kosovo and Serbia. They have asked the
Status Envoy and the SRSG to keep them updated on progress and undertake to
return to the issue at their request or if the situation warrants. 

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