SPLM-IO blames international community for allowing peace violations

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October 13, 2016 (JUBA) – South Sudanese armed opposition faction led
by the controversially ousted former First Vice President, Riek
Machar, said they blamed the Intergovernmental Authority on
Development (IGAD), the African Union (AU) and the international
community at large for condoning or allowing President Salva Kiir to
violate the August 2015 peace agreement under their watchful eyes.

JPEG - 13.4 kb
South Sudanese rebel leader Riek Machar looks on during an interview
at his residence on August 31, 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Photo
AFP /Zacharias Abubeker)

“You know IGAD-Pus, which includes bloc representatives from the rest
of the African Union, the Troika (US, UK, Norway), China and the
United Nations were the ones that cooked the Agreement on the
Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCISS). They told Dr. Riek
Machar and his officials to return to Juba despite an improper
security arrangement for his protection in Juba. But when President
Kiir’s forces attacked him by killing majority of his bodyguards at
the Republic Palace on 8 July with an attempt to assassinate him, the
IGAD, the international community was dumbfounded,” James Gatdet Dak,
opposition leader’s spokesman, told Sudan Tribune on Thursday.

He added that two days later President Kiir allegedly ordered his
forces, tanks and helicopter gunships to attack Machar’s residence
which forced him out of the capital.

“Two days later on 10 July President Kiir ordered his forces, with
tanks and helicopter gunships to attack Dr. Riek Machar’s residence
and base and chased him out of Juba into the bushes and hunted him
down for 5 weeks until he crossed into the Democratic Republic of
Congo, yet nobody in the region told Kiir to stop what he was doing
while they were simply watching the show in silence,” he challenged.

Dak said maybe some in the region wrongly thought that for President
Kiir to kill his rival and peace partner, Machar, this would have been
“another African solution to an African problem” to end the rivalry
between the two top leaders. He however said it would have instead
resulted to uncontrollable violence across the country.

He blamed IGAD for forcing Machar to return to Juba with only a small
number of troops which he said “attracted” President Kiir to attempt
to renew the war in the capital without thinking about repercussion.

He also said the region could not come to rescue Machar and to stop
Kiir from violating the peace agreement, including illegally replacing

Dak also added that even after 8 July violence which has resulted to
the collapse of the peace agreement and the dismantling of the
transitional government of national unity, the region or the
international community at large has not come out with an initiative
to revive the peace deal and have instead continued to receive leaders
who replaced Machar illegally and helped in collapsing the peace deal.

The revelation by President Kiir’s top commander in the oil rich Unity
state that the government had long time ago planned to assassinate
SPLM-IO leaders on their return to Juba, he said, clearly indicated
that the 8 July incident at the palace was an execution of that plan.

Dak was referring to the resignation of the government army’s deputy
chief of general staff for moral orientation, Lt. Gen. Bapiny Minytuil
Wicjang, who exposed in a letter how his former government was
planning to abrogate the peace agreement and to assassinate leaders.

In a 5-page letter directed to President Kiir, General Bapiny, who was
a close insider and former ally to President Kiir, revealed in a
complaint how the government planned to violate the ceasefire
agreement with Machar’s faction.

Dak said the international community should stop to balance
accusations and should rather hold responsible President Kiir’s regime
for violating the peace deal and renewing the war in the country,
adding that even the leaked United Nations report has clearly
indicated that Kiir and his army’s chief of general staff, Paul Malong
Awan, ordered the resumption of the fighting in Juba.

He added that the SPLM-IO under the leadership of Machar has not
“declared war” but has the right to self-defence in form of an armed
resistance against the regime in Juba should the region fail to
resuscitate the peace agreement while President Kiir’s forces continue
to attack their positions across the country.

“You should not equally blame the victim for resisting attacks, you
should rather hold responsible the perpetrator who has continued to
attack our forces and positions across the country,” he said.

He added that in the recent resolution of the SPLM’s politburo
meeting, they have asked for the peace agreement to be resuscitated by
deploying regional troops to Juba, demilitarize Juba in accordance
with the peace deal, the new illegal first vice president to step down
and to review the security arrangements involving the two parties.

“Unfortunately, nobody in the international community has responded to
our positive demands to save the peace agreement. Instead, they seem
to be condoning the violations and the attacks on our forces and
expect us not to stage a resistance. This is not fair,” he said.


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    14 October 08:52, by jur_likang_a_ likan’g

    In deed a victim of atrocities has become a villain!! Where is the
integrity of IGAD-Plus, Troika and AU? It is like the sun is said to
rise in the west and falls in the east and is believed? Any way in any
case patriotic South Sudanese will work to enforce the truth. The
truth stands on their shoulders.

    repondre message
        14 October 09:42, by Junubi

        Dear Jur,
        The International community are not seeing well on the
violation of Peace that was done by Kiir government because they
didn’t condemn the fighting that was started in J1 on 8 July 2016 by
the government of JCE while they are the one forcing Machar to go to
Juba with few forces that has only light weapons, and they condemn Dr
Machar declaration of War after he survive from Kiir governmen

        repondre message
            14 October 10:45, by Mr Point

            The attack planned by Kiir and Malong to destroy the TGoNU
has made any peace settlement impossible. Who can trust Kiir and
Malong? What is the future for Taban? It is clear they planned to
murder Machar and also Taban Deng Gai as revealed by Lt. Gen. Bapiny

            repondre message
        14 October 09:43, by Mapuor

        The issue of having two separate armies in South Sudan has
killed Dr Riek Machar Faction’s program. Our economy is dying because
of the huge army that is dominated by tribal militias’ .Gen Taban Deng
Gai is a good person and his ideas are practical .The issue of
Sudanese rebels and that of the two armies are successfully addressed
by Gen Taban Deng Gai and that is why America welcomed him to

        repondre message
            14 October 09:45, by Mapuor

            congress during his visit
            . We want to end the suffering not continue with vicious
cycle of arming two separate tribal antagonistic armies that would
always clash whenever Dr Riek and president Kiir differ.

            repondre message
            14 October 10:47, by Mr Point

            How long does Taban have left to live , with Kiir and
Malongs plan to kill him now public knowledge?

            repondre message
            14 October 10:59, by Junubi

            Mapuor or Mathiang Anyoor,
            STD is always an infection that contaminate many people
within short people of times. Taban did a light coup to his Chairman
Dr Machar because he was told to be a FVP to Kiir if they manage to
kill Machar, while he don’t know that Dinka are planing to kill him

            repondre message
            14 October 11:56, by Philosopherking

            Taban has no plans or ideas for peace. All he has done is
to ensure his own survival and position himself to benefit from the
chaos. He was willing to betray an entire generation just so he can be
in charge of petroleum! Who is going to trust him again! He is not
with Kirr and not with the people’s movement! What a ost sheep

            repondre message
        14 October 10:59, by Paul Ongee

        Ya Dak,
        Tell readers the truth. Whether Riek Machar is in South Africa
for medical treatment, seeking asylum or logistical support, it’s none
of our business. Riek declared war on the government of RSS. We are
preparing for that dance before he flees to Khartoum again for his
life. Is he a PhD holder who keeps forgetting how he was flushed out
from Bor and the whole region of Upper Nile in 1992?

        repondre message
            14 October 11:01, by Paul Ongee

            What do you mean by this “Unfortunately, nobody in the
international community has responded to our positive demands to save
the peace agreement. Instead, they seem to be condoning the violations
and the attacks on our forces and expect us not to stage a resistance.
This is not fair,”

            repondre message
                14 October 11:02, by Paul Ongee

                The peace agreement does not belong to Riek Machar,
but to the people of South Sudan if he remembers what Dr. John Garang
said in Nairobi on January 9th, 2005. Dr. John Garang tragically died
but the agreement remained intact and 98% of it implemented, except
Abyei Protocol and the two regions of Southern Kordufan and Blue Bile,
including the demarcation of the N-S borders. You got it?

                repondre message
                    14 October 11:03, by Paul Ongee

                    Tell the world the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth about Riek Machar’s violent political ambition
since 1991. Why did he kill all Nuers who refused to follow him
including Peter Panom Thanypiny. Why did he lie to the world on BBC in
August 1991 that SPLM was not democratic? If Nasir Faction was
democratic, why did he flee to Khartoum to sign his bogus agreement
(KPA) in 1997?

                    repondre message
                        14 October 11:05, by Paul Ongee

                        Did Riek Machar tell the truth one day to the
IGAD or Troika leaders, let alone the South African leader H.E. Jacob
Zuma? Does Riek Machar really read history books? How did ANC under
the late Nelson Mandela achieve its objectives in 1994? Did one of the
ANC leaders keep defecting to the White South African Government of
Apartheid or shifting allegiance at his disposal as Riek often did?

                        repondre message
                            14 October 11:06, by Paul Ongee

                            Since Riek Machar was flushed out of the
thorny Equatoria Forest, the very impartial UN decided to airlift him
on “alleged” humanitarian grounds to DRC and later flown to Khartoum
for medical treatment. He did not blame Omer Bashit for failing to
revive his KPA-1997. He should have told Omer Bashir that “You know,
my brother Bashir, you violated KPA. Thus, I returned to Dr. Garang
for forgiveness”

                            repondre message
                                14 October 11:08, by Paul Ongee

                                The problem is he did not bother to
ask Omer Bashit about revival of KPA because he knows Bashit will tell
him that “You know my brother Riek, KPA is already in the dust bin
since you rejoined the real PhD holder who never shifts allegiance at
his disposal. Yesterday you were in the bush and the next day in
Khartoum. We need to use you and your followers only to keep South
Sudan destabilized.

                                repondre message
                                    14 October 11:10, by Paul Ongee

                                    Riek smiled first before Bashit
reassured him that “If you really need weapons, foods and military
ranks, we can give you all these things but I know you cannot win the
war in South Sudan because I know how the real SPLA soldiers always
get the job done in the battle fields, not like your militia warlords
who keep shifting allegiance and shuttling between Juba, Khartoum,
Nairobi and Addis Ababa.

                                    repondre message
                                        14 October 11:13, by Paul Ongee

                                        Omer Bashit recommended that
"If for some reasons we fail to supply your forces logistically in
time, you can go back to your own brothers with those ranks and they
will reinstate, demote, reward or promote you for unity and peaceful
coexistence. But if GOSS refuses to provide enough financial support
to your families, defect as usual and come back to us so that we
restore your lifeline”.

                                        repondre message
                                            14 October 11:15, by Paul Ongee

                                            Bashir said “Since you Dr.
Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol are of the same feathers, considering
yourselves the most highly educated sons of the land, we can provide
the necessary accommodation and assistance for your families. Anytime
you are all welcomed to Khartoum as “Awalad balad”. We can easily
mobilize funds from our Arab friends to support you and keep South
Sudan destabilized”.

                                            repondre message
                                                14 October 11:17, by Paul Ongee

                                                However, Bashit warned
“Unlike Juba or RSS, South Sudanese cannot make a coup here in
Khartoum or rebel against our Islamic government in Sudan because
there are no bushes, only desert. Whenever we violate any agreement
like KPA-1997 you can do nothing about it because tomorrow you will
still rejoin your own brothers and later come back to us for help as
usual. Did you hear that Dr. Riek Machar?”

                                                repondre message
                                                    14 October 11:18,
by Paul Ongee

                                                    Diiktoor Riek
Machar smiled as usual upon hearing the warning from Bashit, not
noticing who is fooling who. Ya jamah, South Sudanese know who is
really educated and using his knowledge for the benefit of his family,
community, country and the world. Not Riek Machar and Lam Akol who
formed their own parties ostensibly for building ‘democratic reforms’
and eventually dumped them.

                                                    repondre message
                                                        14 October
11:20, by Paul Ongee

                                                        Why does Riek
Machar continue to lie that he can still fool the regional leaders
(IGAD leaders), AU and international actors to listen to his
diabolical political agenda since 1991?Does he think that South Sudan
lacks highly educated sons and daughters of the land? Does the
leadership of South Sudan need only PhD holders, who often rebel
against their own popular movement (SPLM/A) and government?

                                                        repondre message
                                                            14 October
11:33, by jubaone

                                                            Paul Ongee,

lengthy articles are a useless manifestation of a psuedo-analyst who
dwells on trying to personalize issues. A real example of a "lazy
thinker". The contents of your article reveal your deep disgust for
Dr. Riak clearly indicating your "jiengeness" and not an Equatorian as
you purport to be. Please wind up this jienge-shit.

                                                            repondre message
October 15:24, by wacjak

Jubaone! Your love for the Jieng people, or should I say your hatred,
because these people have rocked your head properly. You can’t say
anything without mentioning their name. What about allowing yourself
to be fucked properly by one of them till you cry never to mention
their name. Please refrain from generalizing the mighty people. Deal
with whoever you think is naïve among them.

                                                                repondre message
October 16:30, by jubaone

Wacjak or Wasak (dirt in arabic),

Your emotional outbursts and uncontrolled vulgarity are the true
indications of a real jienge: emotional, irrational and simply dumb
skull. FYI Equatorians dont fuck men, the jienge do, cos they have
inherited that from their jellaba masters and explains why they just
cant stop raping old women and teenage girls. Perhaps they will soon
turn to men. Terrible homos

repondre message
            14 October 11:59, by Philosopherking

            Riek is just one person, you should worry about the
movement that will never give up on the people of South Sudan. Whether
he is for medical appointment or not is his personal issue. What South
Sudanese want is the dismantling of the corruption machine in Juba and
sending Kirr to jail for the destruction and looting!

            repondre message
        14 October 14:22, by Ayuiu Makuac Lam

        Am tied up of daily nonsense by Riek Machar, and his group.

        repondre message
        14 October 22:05, by jubaone


        The jienge youth in Bahr elghasal are preparing a retaliatory
and revenge campaign against resident Equatorians in their areas so
says the southsudanliberty.com.
        Now the game is gearing up and cant be more nastier than this. Good luck

        repondre message
    14 October 09:17, by Dengda

    The problem here, come from one of the top US diplomat who twist
tang his words , when he said as quoted "It won’t be wise idea for Dr
Machar to return to Juba and resume his position as FVP" this
statement has been taken out of context and it also seem to condoned
green light to the current situation or violation of agreement if you

    repondre message
    14 October 09:23, by White Nation

    Gatdet Dak you are always telling the true and keep it up I appreciated you.

    repondre message
    14 October 10:05, by Joyuma John

    Nuer IO should defferentiate between CPA of 2005 and their made-
up CPA of 2016.no one should except that, Riek machar may come back to
Juba as FVP no matter what? if they can not except Tan Geng Gai as
their leader, then IO will be another failed rebellion like that of
Joseph Kony of Uganda. so my advice to IO supporters is that, if you
can not defeat them please join them amicably.

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