[southsudankob] The scale of the UK’s involvement in Africa’s resources is staggering. So too is its disregard for the rights of those affected

2016-09-18 Thread Elisabeth Janaina
 The scale of the UK’s involvement in Africa’s resources is staggering. So
too is its disregard for the rights of those affected
Posted on September 13, 2016

by Tom Lebert 
*Africa’s natural resources are being appropriated by foreign private
interests who are leaving a devastating trail of social, environmental and
human rights abuses in their wake.*
[image: The UK's approach to Africa is exemplified by its actions in the
Western Sahara. Credit: jbdodane.]

The UK’s approach to Africa is exemplified by its actions in the Western
Sahara. Credit: jbdodane.

Over the past few decades, there has been a new scramble for African
resources as foreign governments and companies have sought to control the
continent’s reserves of minerals, oil and gas.

As documented in ‘The New Colonialism: Britain’s scramble for Africa’s
energy and mineral resources

‘*,* a new War on Want report, 101 companies listed on the London Stock
Exchange (LSE) now have mining operations in Africa – and combined, they
control resources worth in excess of $1 trillion.

As in the colonial period, the UK government has used its power and
influence to ensure these British mining companies have access to Africa’s
raw materials, though it is not alone. Much of the Global North
takes advantage of a global economic system – made up of regional,
bilateral and international trade agreements – that opens up countries in
the Global South for exploitation.

[*How to steal from Africa, all perfectly legally

Under the guise of helping Africa in its economic development – a mere
continuation of the colonial paternal narrative – $134 billion
reportedly flows into the continent each year in the form of loans, foreign
investment and aid. But at the same time, an estimated $192 billion is
extracted from Africa mainly in the form of profits by foreign companies,
tax dodging, and the costs of adapting to climate change.

In short, the continent is a net creditor to the rest of the world to the
tune of as much as $58 billion

a year.

*The case of the Western Sahara*

While the scale and scope of the UK’s involvement in the exploitation of
Africa’s resources is staggering, so too is the complete disregard for the
rights of the people involved. A key example of this can be found in
Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara.

[*“Only independence will restore us”: A Sahrawi refugee recalls Western
Sahara’s invasion

Morocco has occupied much of Western Sahara since 1975. Most of the
population has been expelled by force, many to camps in the Algerian desert
where 165,000 refugees still live.

Morocco’s occupation is a blatant disregard for international law, which
accords the Saharawi people the right to self-determination, which includes
the way in which their resources are used.  The International Court of
Justice has stated that there are no ties of sovereignty between Morocco
and Western Sahara, and no state in the world recognises Morocco’s
self-proclaimed sovereignty over the territory. Furthermore, over 100 UN
resolutions call for this right to self-determination, though UN efforts to
settle the conflict by means of a referendum have been continuously
thwarted by Morocco.

[*40 years of hurt: The never-ending scandal of the Western Sahara

Despite the Saharwi people’s right to self-determination, however, six
British and/or LSE-listed companies have been handed permits by the
Moroccan government to actively explore for oil and gas resources, making
them complicit in the Western Sahara’s illegal and violent occupation.

Cairn Energy, based in Edinburgh and listed on the LSE, is one such
company. It is part of a consortium, led by US company Kosmos Energy, that
in December 2014 became the first to drill for and later discover oil off
the coast of Western Sahara.

Saharawis have consistently protested against the exploration activities of
oil companies, but by doing deals with the Moroccan government, oil
companies such as Cairn have gained access to these reserves and are
now directly undermining the Saharawis’ rights.

Foreign oil investment boosts Morocco’s frail veneer of international
legitimacy, finances the expensive occupation, and undermines the UN peace
process. As oil is developed, the economic implications for Morocco are
huge, fu

[southsudankob] The scale of the UK’s involvement in Africa’s resources is staggering. So too is its disregard for the rights of those affected

2016-09-14 Thread Elisabeth Janaina
 The scale of the UK’s involvement in Africa’s resources is staggering. So
too is its disregard for the rights of those affected
Posted on September 13, 2016

by Tom Lebert 
*Africa’s natural resources are being appropriated by foreign private
interests who are leaving a devastating trail of social, environmental and
human rights abuses in their wake.*
[image: The UK's approach to Africa is exemplified by its actions in the
Western Sahara. Credit: jbdodane.]

The UK’s approach to Africa is exemplified by its actions in the Western
Sahara. Credit: jbdodane.

Over the past few decades, there has been a new scramble for African
resources as foreign governments and companies have sought to control the
continent’s reserves of minerals, oil and gas.

As documented in ‘The New Colonialism: Britain’s scramble for Africa’s
energy and mineral resources

‘*,* a new War on Want report, 101 companies listed on the London Stock
Exchange (LSE) now have mining operations in Africa – and combined, they
control resources worth in excess of $1 trillion.

As in the colonial period, the UK government has used its power and
influence to ensure these British mining companies have access to Africa’s
raw materials, though it is not alone. Much of the Global North
takes advantage of a global economic system – made up of regional,
bilateral and international trade agreements – that opens up countries in
the Global South for exploitation.

[*How to steal from Africa, all perfectly legally

Under the guise of helping Africa in its economic development – a mere
continuation of the colonial paternal narrative – $134 billion
reportedly flows into the continent each year in the form of loans, foreign
investment and aid. But at the same time, an estimated $192 billion is
extracted from Africa mainly in the form of profits by foreign companies,
tax dodging, and the costs of adapting to climate change.

In short, the continent is a net creditor to the rest of the world to the
tune of as much as $58 billion

a year.

*The case of the Western Sahara*

While the scale and scope of the UK’s involvement in the exploitation of
Africa’s resources is staggering, so too is the complete disregard for the
rights of the people involved. A key example of this can be found in
Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara.

[*“Only independence will restore us”: A Sahrawi refugee recalls Western
Sahara’s invasion

Morocco has occupied much of Western Sahara since 1975. Most of the
population has been expelled by force, many to camps in the Algerian desert
where 165,000 refugees still live.

Morocco’s occupation is a blatant disregard for international law, which
accords the Saharawi people the right to self-determination, which includes
the way in which their resources are used.  The International Court of
Justice has stated that there are no ties of sovereignty between Morocco
and Western Sahara, and no state in the world recognises Morocco’s
self-proclaimed sovereignty over the territory. Furthermore, over 100 UN
resolutions call for this right to self-determination, though UN efforts to
settle the conflict by means of a referendum have been continuously
thwarted by Morocco.

[*40 years of hurt: The never-ending scandal of the Western Sahara

Despite the Saharwi people’s right to self-determination, however, six
British and/or LSE-listed companies have been handed permits by the
Moroccan government to actively explore for oil and gas resources, making
them complicit in the Western Sahara’s illegal and violent occupation.

Cairn Energy, based in Edinburgh and listed on the LSE, is one such
company. It is part of a consortium, led by US company Kosmos Energy, that
in December 2014 became the first to drill for and later discover oil off
the coast of Western Sahara.

Saharawis have consistently protested against the exploration activities of
oil companies, but by doing deals with the Moroccan government, oil
companies such as Cairn have gained access to these reserves and are
now directly undermining the Saharawis’ rights.

Foreign oil investment boosts Morocco’s frail veneer of international
legitimacy, finances the expensive occupation, and undermines the UN peace
process. As oil is developed, the economic implications for Morocco are
huge, fu