U.S. hints recalling its Ambassador from South Sudan over atrocities

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September 21, 2016 (JUBA) – United States has hinted the possibility of
recalling its current Ambassador to South Sudan over the ongoing
“documented” atrocities committed by the leadership of South Sudan under
her watch.
[image: JPEG - 79.9 kb]*Ambassador Phee presenting her credentials to
President Salva Kiir on 23 July 2015 (Photo US Embassy Juba)*

In a special hearing on South Sudan crisis by the United States Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations conducted on Tuesday in Washington DC,
chaired by Senator Bob Corker, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations
Committee, the senators registered their disappointment over the “impunity”
conduct of the current U.S. Ambassador, Mary Catherine Phee.

They said the atrocities committed have been documented but with impunity
involving other parties, including the ambassador.

“Yeah, the suggestion, I think recalling our Ambassador for that kind of
conduct would be an appropriate response to show that we don’t want to have
a mission headed by an Ambassador with impunity,” said Ben Cardin, a
ranking member of the Committee, in reaction to earlier suggestion to
recall the Ambassador.

Bob Corker, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate,
in his earlier remarks, also suggested whether or not the South Sudanese
President, Salva Kiir, should be declared a “war criminal” over the

Meanwhile, Senator Cardin, said he had lost confidence in the peace process
in South Sudan.

“I have lost confidence in the peace process…I don’t believe the current
leaders are capable of bringing their country into peace,” he said,
referring to President Kiir and his new first deputy, Taban Deng.

He also described the newly appointed First Vice President, Taban Deng, as
someone who has no constituency in South Sudan is not able to heal the

“We haven’t talked about Mr. [Taban] Deng, who I understand has no
constituency. He is part of the corrupt, the corruption that has been
documented. He is unpopular,” said the senior senator.

The Senators accused the South Sudanese rival leaders, Salva Kiir and Riek
Machar, of committing atrocities and failing their people.

The top U.S. senator also accused president Kiir’s government of war crimes
and attack on his rival, Machar, in July which resulted to the recent
violence in the capital, Juba.

“As this crisis erupted in July, President Kiir’s forces apparently fired
on U.S. diplomatic vehicles, shot and injured a U.N. official, terrorized
American and other aid workers, and executed a South Sudanese journalist,”
he said.

“President Kiir consolidated control after yet another contrived military
action against his former deputy, Riek Machar. Kiir’s recent replacement of
Machar with a poorly-supported opposition alternative likely invalidates
the unity government and the August 2015 peace agreement itself,” charged
the top U.S. Senator.

The Senators also blamed the United Nations peace keepers in the country
for not doing enough to protect civilians from the government’s forces.

“Again, I don’t know how many times we’re going to hear of our peacekeeping
efforts falling short. I know this is a unique circumstance but I believe
the U.N. has been totally feckless as it relates to addressing this issue.
Again, I know that these people are overstretched right now in South Sudan,
but it continues to be a problem with U.N. peacekeeping troops,” he said.

Witnesses who presented their respective testimonies during the hearing
include Jok Madut Jok, Co-founder and Executive Director, The Sudd
Institute; The Honourable Kate Almquist Knopf, Director, Africa Center for
Strategic Studies, U.S. Department of Defense; Luka Biong Deng, Global
Fellow, Peace Research Institute; and Peter Yeo, President, Better World
Campaign, United Nations Foundation.

The Senators warned that a Plan B would be needed to change the situation,
including sanctions against leaders, imposed arms embargo as well as
putting South Sudan under a trusteeship of the African Union and the United

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   - 21 September 23:34, by choldit

   This is a real good verbal reaction from US Senators. Will their wish be
   turned into reality or translated into action by the us govt? I hope so.
   President Kiir, Malong, JCE and their new slave boy Taban Deng need to be
   sent to icc court for the artocities they are committing.

   repondre message
   - 21 September 23:51, by Panda Odhie

      Nobody is an angel in South Sudan anymore ,they all smear the oilly
      fat on their gum. If ICC is active it will took 45 plus being reported to
      have steal 22 billion , so Kiir is no longer asigle target my friend.

      repondre message
      - 22 September 05:27, by Whortti Bor Manza

   Hon. Phee is an arrogant woman whose diplomatic credentials have been
   tarnished by Ambrose Ring. I wonder how on this planet could the US have
   appointed this woman as a diplomat in the first place.

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