On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 11:49:17AM -0400, Partha Aji wrote:
> Jan the ssm change channel stuff got ported to Java. I should remove alter 
> pxt also.. I 'll dig a bit more on this later today. Thanks for thepointer..

Hmmm, alter_subscriptions_conf.pxt is still referenced in
Sniglets::ChannelLicense::channel_license_dialog_cb. And
rhn:channel_license_dialog_cb is set as trap only in channel_license.pxt
and that one is listed as the second rhn-tab-url.

So maybe channel_license.pxt could go, taking some of
Sniglets::ChannelLicense with it, taking alter_subscriptions_conf.pxt
with it. While we are at it, display_license.pxt which is the other
remaining place using Sniglets::ChannelLicense is only referenced as

        <rhn-tab name="License" acl="channel_licensed()"
        url="/network/software/channels/display_license.pxt" />

and get_license_path does

        SELECT CFL.license_path INTO license_val
          FROM rhnChannelFamilyLicense CFL, rhnChannelFamilyMembers CFM
         WHERE CFM.channel_id = channel_id_in
           AND CFM.channel_family_id = CFL.channel_family_id;

and rhnChannelFamilyLicense is empty on my Satellite 5.3. Is this
table and rhnChannelFamilyLicenseConsent somehow used in Spacewalk /

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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