Just to give this some closure here, Bronson not being able to open the 
pep.xml files was due to missing the RewriteRule directive in his webserver 

On Monday, January 7, 2019 at 10:05:13 AM UTC-8, Bronson Petterson wrote:
> I recently installed and setup TPP with the web interface. After doing a 
> run on my HPC we tried to view the interact.pep.xml but the web page never 
> came up. Upon looking at the TPP_error logs we saw the following error:
> [Mon Jan 07 09:44:29.174332 2019] [core:info] [pid 97247] [client 10.30.
> 93.132:64697] AH00128: File does not exist: /usr/local/tpp/active/name/
> ms_analysis/20181212_test/neg/interact.pep.xsl, referer: http:
> //hostname/name/ms_analysis/20181212_test/neg/interact.pep.xml
> Has this happened to anyone before?
> Thanks,

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