I'm pretty sure it indicates m/z error of the matched peak with the theoretical m/z. I'm not sure what the ^3 means though.


On 11/25/2010 9:32 PM, GATTACA wrote:

Can someone explain to me the syntax in of the peaklists as they are
reported in the SpectraST *.sptxt file?
I understand that the *.sptxt file is a text version of the binary
*.splib file.

For instance, consider this snippet from the *.sptxt file I created
from some searched results.
147.1406        92.5    y1/0.03,y4-35^3/-0.61,y4-36^3/-0.28
157.9838        197.0   b5-35^3/-0.43,b5-34^3/-0.76
182.0084        129.3   y3^2/-0.09
187.1618        112.0   y5-17^3/0.39,y5-18^3/0.71
192.9816        360.4   y5^3/0.53,a4^2/0.86,b6-45^3/-0.45
206.2740        321.2   b4^2/0.16
213.0517        195.2   y2-35/-0.07,y2-36/0.91
223.2085        118.6   ?

I interpret the '?' to mean an unmatched peak to the peptide.
Now in the first line of the above example (y1/0.03, y4-35^3/-0.61,
y4-36^3/-0.28). Is this indicating that this peak corresponds to the
first y-ion? or y-ion#4 ? What does the value after the slash mean?

Any and all help is appreciated.

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