On Apr 9, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Brian Hernacki wrote:
> For what it's worth, as an implementer...
> I think it makes sense to come to agreement within the OpenID  
> community and get something working first. While I appreciate the  
> issues involved with having multiple protocols and attribute  
> definitions, I worry that if this becomes coupled to other efforts  
> it would cause delays. Better to at least come to that table with a  
> sound version of what we think "works".
> Given that, discussing it here (openid.net) seems natural.

Register profile field names.

Fields placed within a profile should not be affected by additional  
requests made by various websites.  Allow each website to query for  
additional information when needed.  Establish a registry for profile  
field names, and allow users to add to their profile based upon  
prescribed fields supported by the OP.

Don't use the OP as a repository for adhoc additional information  
that is requested at each site with an intent to share this  
information!  This will lead to a greater amount of information being  
shared than intended.

Such a feature will surely create compatibility issues, especially  
when there are many ways to establishing this dubious feature.


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