Below is a summary of draft specifications for OpenIDAttribute  
Exchange, Attribute Types and Attribute Metadata.
I will check them into SVN real-soon-now and hopefully David will  
have them linked off the spec site.
HTML versions will be posted as separate emails for those in the US  
unable to fall asleep eating too much turkey!

Additionally, if anyone is interested in being a co-editor, please  
let me know!

-- Dick


OpenID Attribute Exchange is an OpenID service for exchanging identity
information between endpoints.  Messages for retrieval and storage of
identity information are provided.  Attribute types for a variety of
different identity properties have been defined, and additional types
may be defined by any interested parties.

The creation of new attributes in the name space is outlined
in the new OpenID Attribute Types document, and involves submitting
proposals for new types to a "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list that we
hope to create.  Although it means yet another OpenID mailing list, it
will confine type related traffic away from more general discussion on
the main specification list.  Note that this process only applies to
attributes defined in the "" name space, and users
are free to define their own attribute types in other name spaces.

The previous list of attribute types has been turned into a set of
metadata documents describing each type, which will be posted to a new
web server at  A new document, "Identity Attribute
Metadata" has been created outlining a proposed metadata format for
attribute types.

The idea behind the metadata format is that each attribute type
identifier is a URL that resolves to the metadata describing the type.
This way, attribute types may be requested without their format or
other information about them being hard coded in OP or RP
applications.  The metadata includes localized labels and text
descriptions, data format descriptions, and information on authority,
acquisition and cross referencing.  The type information is encoded in
XML for easy parsing, and is supplied with an XSL style sheet for a
human readable translation.

Document Changes

The third draft of the Attribute Exchange document incorporates a
series of changes based on community input and the progress of the
OpenID Authentication 2.0 draft document.  Chief among these changes
has been an update to the way the fetch response message, the
parameters of which now are incorporated into the openid name space.

Other minor changes were made to clarify some points and to
incorporate suggestions made by the implementation team:
* "Attribute name" changed to "attribute type identifier"
* Updated references to Attribute Types document
* Added multiple alias support to "required" and "if_available"
* Extended examples to include multiple aliases
* Additional documentation of the fetch response message
* Additional documentation of the store response messages

The Attribute Properties document, with the list of attribute
properties, has been eliminated in favour of an Attribute Types
document that outlines the process to define new types in the name space.  This will encourage more community
participation in defining new types.

Comments and suggestions on how to can improve these specifications
are always welcome!

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