Hey all,
It turned out that from the OSIS interoperability event in Barcelona a call was scheduled to discuss PAPE issues from the interop. I heard about the call a few minutes before, but Mike, Johnny, and I had a really productive call. If no one disagrees, we should get these edits into the spec and release draft 3.


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From: Mike Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 1, 2007 10:04:02 PM GMT+01:00
Subject: OSIS PAPE call results

Today we held the call discussing OSIS feedback on the PAPE spec. Topics covered and recommendations made on the call were:

- Authorization decisions should be made solely by the relying party. The identity provider should accurately report the status of all policies requested by the relying party that the authentication complies with and may also choose to report the status of any policies that apply that were not explicitly requested. The policies are not mutually exclusive and no relationship between the different policies should be implied. A clarification to this effect should be added to the draft.

- There was a request for a definition of Active Authentication as used in the auth_time element description. Intuitively, this involves at least having the user being at the machine as a participant in the authentication interaction in some manner. We agreed that we should look for an existing definition of active authentication that appears to apply.

- The table in Appendix A.1.1 of http://openid.net/specs/openid-provider-authentication-policy-extension-1_0-02.html needs to be updated to be consistent with the definition in Section 4. Specifically: PIN and soft OTP token should not be marked as phishing- resistant. PIN and hard OTP token should not be marked as phishing- resistant. Information Cards should be added and listed as phishing- resistant. Active password managers that only release the password to the correct site should be listed as phishing-resistant.

- If relying parties and OPs want to communicate actual authentication methods used, that should happen via a different spec than PAPE. Then the market can decide whether to use PAPE, this spec, both, or neither. (However some in the group have both privacy concerns about this and concerns about enabling attackers by giving them additional information to use in their attacks.)

Finally, while we failed to discuss this on the call, I also believe that: PIN and digital certificate via HTTPS is phishable if the same certificate value is released to every site. PIN and digital certificate via HTTPS is not phishable if a different certificate value is released to every site. and that the table should be updated accordingly in this case as well. Someone who's an expert in this method should pipe in and provide guidance.

                                    Thanks all!
                                    -- Mike

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