Hi David,

I've had another look at the 1.1 spec, tweaked the schema, and
incorporated some feedback I received from the SemWeb IG (SWIG).
The new schema also includes "identifier" which - although just
a single property - allows RDFers to easily connect OpenID with
the rest of the RDF world. The latter has been discussed quite
a bit recently, esp. the FOAF folks are looking forward to a
FOAF2OpenID connector.

I *think* the schema is ready to go now, it would be really
great to have it served from openid.net.

I'll send a schema draft for openid2 in a separate mail.

Anything else I can do?


On 30.01.2007 11:56:41, Recordon, David wrote:
>I'm not an RDF/OWL expert, though that looks reasonable to me.  How do
>we deal with Auth 1.x which uses openid.server and openid.delegate
>versus Auth 2.0 which uses openid2.provider and openid2.local_id?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Benjamin Nowack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 10:13 AM
>To: Recordon, David; Scott Kveton; specs@openid.net
>Subject: RE: Tiny RDF Schema at openid.net?
>On 29.01.2007 07:53:15, Recordon, David wrote:
>>I'd be happy to do it; I think we were talking about using
>>xmlns.openid.net/foo as a format.
>Awesome :)
>>I think the next step would be sending a copy of the RDF file for
>>people here to look over. :)
>I've attached a draft which contains already some nice2haves (e.g.
>the OWL and isDefinedBy bits which may be helpful but are not strictly
>necessary), I'm not 100% sure about the prose, and I guess DanC will
>have a comment or two as well.
>(The resource/about/ID attributes work similar to HTML's href/id, they
>use the doc's URL as base, i.e. if the file was published at
><http://xmlns.openid.net/auth>, the full term URIs would be
><http://xmlns.openid.net/auth#server> etc.)
><?xml version="1.0"?>
><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
>  xmlns:rdfs="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#";
>  xmlns:owl="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#";>
>  <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>    <rdfs:label>OpenID Authentication Schema</rdfs:label>
>    <owl:versionInfo>2007-01-29</owl:versionInfo>
>    <rdfs:comment>
>      A basic schema for core OpenID authentication terms.
>    </rdfs:comment>
>  </owl:Ontology>
>  <rdf:Property rdf:ID="server">
>    <rdf:type
>    <rdfs:label>server</rdfs:label>
>    <rdfs:comment>
>      The OpenID Identity Provider to be used for authentication.
>    </rdfs:comment>
>    <rdfs:isDefinedBy
>rdf:resource="http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-1_1.html"; />
>  </rdf:Property>
>  <rdf:Property rdf:ID="delegate">
>    <rdf:type
>    <rdfs:label>delegate</rdfs:label>
>    <rdfs:comment>
>      The delegated OpenID Identifier to be used for authentication.
>    </rdfs:comment>
>    <rdfs:isDefinedBy
>rdf:resource="http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-1_1.html"; />
>  </rdf:Property>
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Behalf Of Scott Kveton
>>Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 7:42 AM
>>To: Benjamin Nowack; specs@openid.net
>>Subject: Re: Tiny RDF Schema at openid.net?
>>With just a quick look at this, it seems like a good idea.  I'd like to
>>see it happen somehow.
>>Anybody see any problems with doing this?
>>- Scott
>>On 1/29/07 2:13 AM, "Benjamin Nowack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was wondering if you guys could be persuaded to host a little RDF
>>> Schema file on the openid.net site. As far as I can tell, there is
>>> great support for OpenID among SemWeb folks as it can be combined
>>> with
>>> things like FOAF for all sorts of cool applications.
>>> People recently started to write RDF extractors for the OpenID hooks
>>> embedded in HTML (openid.server/delegate). As these hooks are in line
>>> with the Dublin Core guidelines [1], there are even multiple ways to
>>> do this. The only thing we're missing for more widespread use is an
>>> agreed-on namespace URI for the core openID terms ("server" and
>>> "delegate"). And ideally this would be an openid.net one. So here is
>>> my request: any chance we could put a little RDF Schema file on the
>>> openid server? We would of course provide the file (it'd be just 5-10
>>> lines of XML), and the actual URL/path doesn't really matter. An
>>> alternative could be to host it in some other stable URI space, Dan
>>> Connolly (CC'd) might be able to provide one at w3.org, not sure. It
>>> would be cool to get your blessing either way, though.
>>> Cheers in advance for perhaps considering it, Ben
>>> --
>>> Benjamin Nowack
>>> Kruppstr. 100
>>> 45145 Essen, Germany
>>> http://www.bnode.org/
>>> [1] http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcq-html/
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