[spectre] passed away Alexey Isaev, Director of Moscow MediaArtLab

2006-04-06 Diskussionsfäden Tania Goryucheva
Dear friends and colleagues, I regretfully have to inform you that Alexey Isaev, media artist, founder and director of Moscow MediaArtLab, passed away. His sudden death shocked and left in deep grief his loved ones, close friends and colleagues. Alexei Isaev played a remarkable role in the

[spectre] Intervenciones TV. Fin de plazo / Deadline / Epea bukatzear.

2006-04-06 Diskussionsfäden natxo rodriguez
RDZ Noticias - Berriak - News FIN DE PLAZO / DEADLINE / EPEA AMAITZEAR “INTERVENCIONES TV.7” www.intervenciones.tv [cast] Premios: 4.500 € en premios para trabajos en vídeo con un total de 2 minutos y 10 MB. Plazo Hasta el 10 de abril de 2006 a Centro Cultural Montehermoso, C/ Fray Zacarías

[spectre] Rencontres 2006 ::: Call for Entries ::: Appel a' proposition ::: Teilnahmeaufruf

2006-04-06 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 04:37:17 +0200 (CEST) Subject: Festival 2006 ::: Call for Entries ::: Appel a' proposition ::: Teilnahmeaufruf From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] EN FRANCAIS PLUS BAS DANS LE MESSAGE AUF DEUTSCH UNTEN = IN ENGLISH

[spectre] Ber.loose.coin - Drum Machine elettorale

2006-04-06 Diskussionsfäden ruben coen cagli
Ber.loose.coin - Electoral Drum Machine http://www.malloc.it/ber.loose.coin.html || sorry, only italian version for the info text || Ber.loose.coin - Drum Machine elettorale Istruzioni per l'uso: 1) cliccare sul link qui sotto http://www.malloc.it/ber.loose.coin.html 2) digitare qualunque