[spectre] Call for videos: image vs. music

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden [videoART]
Call for propsals Deadline 1 July 2006 --. VideoChannel http://videochannel.newmediafest.org [EMAIL PROTECTED] organiser of 1st Cologne Online Film Festival (CologneOFF) http://coff.newmediafest.org featuring film videos on the

[spectre] Upgrade!Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem 5.5.2006

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
Upgrade! Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem Basak Senova (TR) www.nomad-tv.net/upgrade Monday, 5.6.06, 21:00 Daila ­ Shlomzion Hamalka 4, Jerusalem ­ Free Entrance (presentation in english) Program: I: ³NOMAD ­ networking as a mode of survival² talk by Basak Senova II: ³Audio Samples from ctrl_alt_del²

[spectre] transmediale seeks a new director from 2008 onwards

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann
transmediale sucht neue Leitung ab 2008 Die transmediale sucht fuer das Festival 2008 und folgende eine neue Kuenstlerische Leitung. Der jetzige Leiter, Andreas Broeckmann, wird die transmediale nach dem Festival im Februar 2007 verlassen, um sich nach sieben Jahren neuen Aufgaben zu zu


2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden CA # 021268
Pouèsies from the Liter-erasures - open Bacon contemporary of Perform.rances - Fists dependent in FMR sounds DVD cut on Lavoine subvenFionnée of the OB Manquants - Polio-tick of the full dispariFion couv' LibéraFion - Gifts which chiottent with the Blanchot penguins - DéconstrucFion of the

[spectre] Upgrade! Amsterdam 1.0: [Goes Live!]

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden nat muller
[apologies for cross-posting] * Upgrade! Amsterdam 1.0: [Goes Live!] When: June 14 2006 || 20.30 hours || Where: De Melkweg, Theaterzaal, Lijnbaansgracht 234 A, Amsterdam | free admission | | absinthe martinis | 

[spectre] DNvorscher or how domain business changes the internet

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden Peter Luining
For Immediate Release DNvorscher: Peter Luining: Piet Zwart Institute(IMR) 30 may 2006 From the beginning of the world wide web, internet domain-names were often seen as speculation objects that could bring big profits. With the dot.com bubble bursting in 2001 the market in domain-names more

[spectre] Handke

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden Heiko Recktenwald
I think this is still an interesting text, just found in on the harddrive. He is essentially right, allthough I didnt follow him politically. The interventions came much to late and an early clear word would have been -- maybe -- enough. Clear words, thats what he is fighting for too, Heine