[spectre] double bind and double bands

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Louise Desrenards
Forever my apologizes cause my disaster in matter of English speaking and writing.. but thanks another one the presume retranscriptions will be in academic English -- I hope so:) Aliette \\\/\/\/\\//\\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \ / \\\/\/\/\\//\\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \ /

[spectre] Navigating the Space of the Future

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Marieke Istha
Navigating the Space of the Future Netherlands Media Art Institute April 15 Start 20.30 hour LIVE STREAM: http://www.montevideo.nl/st/player.php Seminar with presentations by: Yolande Harris, David Dunn and Atau Tanaka What does it mean to navigate? What is the importance of location

[spectre] V2_ANNOUNCEMENT | Space Time Play, may 2 2008, NAi Rotterdam

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Joris van Ballegooijen
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, presents: SPACE TIME PLAY: Gaming in Urban Space Friday May 2, location: NAi, Museumpark 25, Rotterdam SPACE TIME PLAY is part of the NAi Happening program http://happening.nai.nl This event will be streamed live at http://live.v2.nl Featuring: Matt Adams

[spectre] This week's Futuresonic session in Second Life

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Drew Hemment
~ This week's Futuresonic session in Second Life ~ A chance to meet other conference participants and explore the conference themes online before social networking