[spectre] 7th *Globale* Film Festival + the *Media Implosion* program

2011-10-28 Diskussionsfäden podinski
Dear Spectre film-goers and mediaheads, The 7th *Globale* Film Festival begins next week in Berlin at Kino Moviemento and runs November 3-9. Since 2003, *Globale* brings pressing political issues to the screen and provides a space for dialogue with filmmakers and special guests. Themes in focus

[spectre] reSource for transmedial culture: Statement of interest

2011-10-28 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
reSource for transmedial culture Statement of interest call for collaborations The reSource is an initiative of transmediale - festival for art and digital culture, Berlin in collaboration with CTM/DISK GbR and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, on the search for further partners during 2012.