[spectre] JOB: EMPAC Curator for Time-Based Visual Arts

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann
EMPAC seeking Full-Time Curator for Time-Based Visual Arts http://empac.rpi.edu/ EMPAC curtis r. priem experimental media and performing arts center rensselaer polytechnic institute troy, ny 12180 empac.rpi.edu 518.276.3921 The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center

[spectre] Internationaler Museumtag am 20. Mai 2012

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Edith-Russ-Haus
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des EDITH-RUSS-HAUSES für Medienkunst, wir laden euch/Sie herzlich ein zum Internationalen Museumstag 2012 Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012, 10- 18 Uhr Programm: Präsentation der Installation Electrostatic Bell Choir der kanadischen Künstlerin Darsha Hewitt am Sonntag

[spectre] UPDATE: SoundBoxes Workshop Berlin

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
Hi folks, I wanted to inform you that there are still places in the Soundboxes workshop available, and that the public presentation will be held at O'Tannenbaum, near Hermannplatz in Berlin-Neukoelln on Sunday 27 May at 20:00. I will also play a short live set for DIY electronics, found

[spectre] 30 Years V2_ Party at DEAF2012

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden V2_
EDWIN VAN DER HEIDE STARTS 30Y V2_ NIGHT WITH INTENSE SOUND PERFORMANCE Location: WORM V2_ | 23:00 - 05:00 | Sat. May 20 | Admission: Festival pass / single tickets 15 EUR http://deaf.nl/program/modules/30y-v2_

[spectre] CFP: Electromagnetic Field 2012, Milton Keynes UK

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden alex
EMF 2012 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION About the Event Electromagnetic Field 2012 is a three-day camping festival in the UK for people with an inquisitive mind and an interest in science, engineering, DIY, technology, arts, or crafts. It will be a cross between a tech conference and a music festival,

[spectre] kickstart me

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bbrace/global-islands-project Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media pdf-ebooks/field-recordings -- a pastoral, pictorial and phonic elicitation of island parameters. An intensive examination of small islands and their paradigmatic solutions

Re: [spectre] kickstart me

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Tamas St.Auby
H, solipsistic And then what? H, Tamas St.Turba (Trust.ee in bankruptcy of IPUT /International Parallel Union of Telecommunications/), Agent of NETRAF /Neo-Socialist. Realist. IPUT's Global Counter Arthist.ory-Falsifiers Front/)