[spectre] wicked sounds

2013-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Radio Web MACBA
We just started collecting wicked sounds in this pinboard: http://pinterest.com/radiowebmacba/wicked-sounds-sons-meravellosos-sonidos-maravillos/ feel free to recommend any! Gracias and enjoy! __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info,

[spectre] ANN: Innovative Tools for Media Art Research

2013-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Image Science
INNOVATIVE TOOLS FOR MEDIA ART RESEARCH New Project Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Innovative tools for the image sciences are being developed by “Interactive Archive and Meta-Thesaurus for Media Art Research (AT.MAR),” a project led by Professor Oliver GRAU, Chair of Image


2013-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Stahl Stenslie
*OSLO LUX 2013 **- s**ymposium and artworks** **at the intersections of light, space and technology* * * *7th February 2013 **@ Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway* * * *LUX is a series of conferences and exhibitions that probe the boundaries of light, space and interaction.

[spectre] Ghosts and Weather // Robin Bale Performance // Sat 2 Feb 4pm

2013-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Jim Prevett
CD Launch and Performance ** FREE ** The White Building Unit 7, Queen's Yard White Post Lane London E9 5EN A performance/lecture by Robin Bale to mark the release of his CD album Ghosts and Weather. The performance will be an exploration (as the album is) of Dub Aesthetics, specifically the

[spectre] february at 700MBG - DIGITAL PROSTHETIC - Kera MacKenzie

2013-01-31 Diskussionsfäden info
everybody welcome to the opening: DIGITAL PROSTHETIC / KERA MACKENZIE, USA / FEBRUARY 2013 starting february 1st at the 700 megabyte gallery / www.700mbg.com - Using her private E-mail account the artist is sending 700 megabytes in various sets of data over the air and is thereby leaving her