[spectre] Complex dynamical feedback systems :: workshop :: 13/11/13

2013-10-29 Diskussionsfäden Ryan Jordan
Complex dynamical feedback systems :: workshop with Dario Sanfilippo Full information is here http://n.org.uk/doku.php?id=complex_dynamical_feedback_systems In this workshop the complex dynamical feedback systems for human-machine interaction performance, autonomous sound installations and

[spectre] SINCERE LIES : Projections for an old museum

2013-10-29 Diskussionsfäden Hanna Haaslahti
SINCERE LIES Projections for an old museum 26.09-1.12.2013 Sinebrychoff Art Museum, Helsinki Exhibition project by Hanna Haaslahti Alejandro Montes de Oca Two exhibitions overlap at the museum space, one is selected from the museum's collection of old art and the other is featuring