Dear all,

Apologies for crossposting! Due to some requests, we are extending the
deadlines for paper / performance / installation / short films submissions
for the next Besides the Screen conference in Porto and satellite events.
Please check the information below and send your proposals!


** * **

*Besides the Screen 2020 @ ISMAI — Materialities, networks, remediation,
CIAC-ISMAI, Porto, Portugal (21-22 May 2020)
Deadline for paper / performance / installations: 17th February 2020
Deadline for short movies: 28th February 2020

The conference Besides the Screen 2020 @ ISMAI (Instituto Universitário da
Maia), participates in a series of events celebrating ten years of the
Besides the Screen research network throughout 2020. Besides the Screen is
an international research network on the subject of experimental
audiovisual media. It aims to reconfigure the field of screen studies by
refocusing it on the seemingly secondary objects, processes, and practices
that exist ‘besides’ cinema. Besides the Screen also means to promote an
open and horizontal academic environment, favouring practice-based
approaches to research and artistic collaborations. Over these ten years,
the conference has had as its themes: graphic intelligences and algorithmic
fictions; vaults, archives, clouds and platforms; unfolding images, VR,
volumetric filmmaking and spatial control; Curatorial methods and
materials; piracy and distribution, among others.

The Besides the Screen 2020 @ ISMAI Conference welcomes paper, panel, movie
and artwork proposals that highlight methodologies and stimulate the
debates on materialities, networks, remediation, migration of/within
audiovisual media.

Submissions for individual papers should include an abstract of under 250
words and a short biographical note of under 150 words. Pre-constituted
panel proposals should have 3 or 4 participants and provide a panel
abstract (300 words), an abstract (250 words) for each presentation and a
short biographical note (150 words) for each presenter. Artworks proposals
should include a short description/ synopsis (250 words), links to
available documentation (videos / pictures), and a complete list of
technical requirements. Movies up to 20min can be submitted through the
event's Filmfreeway page (link below).

Submissions by email:
Besides the Screen Filmfreeway page:
More info can be found at
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

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