[spectre] Whistleblowing for Change: Book Launch and Conference - Nov 26-28

2021-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear Spectre list, this year at Disruption Network Lab we worked on a book project in the context of whistleblowing. The anthology has the title "Whistleblowing for Change", including texts written by 30 participants of our Disruption Network Lab conferences 2015-2020.

[spectre] The Wrong Biennale / Postponed Until Further Notice / OPEN CALL

2021-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Marijn Bril
Postponed Until Further Notice The Wrong Biennale n°5 embassy/pavilion curated by Marijn Bril OPEN CALL Postponed Until Further Notice is inviting (internet/digital) artists, conceptual designers, meme artists, poets, writers, critics, and other makers and thinkers to become part of a

[spectre] 4 Demands for Economically Responsible Art Education by Sepp Eckenhaussen

2021-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
https://networkcultures.org/ourcreativereset/2021/11/13/4-demands-for-economically-responsible-art-education/ 4 Demands for Economically Responsible Art Education By Sepp Eckenhaussen

[spectre] Piksel21 -Reboot me softly- workshops

2021-11-17 Diskussionsfäden 220hex
Sorry for x-posting Piksel21 -Reboot me softly- workshops WORKSHOPS https://21.piksel.no/workshops/ To sign up send an email to: piksel21(at)piksel(dot)no All workshops are free to attend. This year Piksel adds to the regular Piksel festival workshops and the Piksel Kidz Lab edition, a