[spectre] Art and science residencies in Singapore

2011-10-24 Diskussionsfäden Denisa Kera
Deadline approaching http://anclab.org/Art.Science.2012... The Arts and Creativity Lab the Interactive and Digital Media Institute are pleased to announce the 2012 Arts/Science Residency program at the National University of Singapore. Selected artists will be invited to spend 1 month living on

[spectre] call for proposals prague biennale 3: Glocal Outsiders

2007-05-14 Diskussionsfäden Denisa Kera
-mail to: Denisa Kera (kera AT ff.cuni.cz) and Aurelie Besson (aurelie AT ciant.cz) __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://coredump.buug.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] machinima workshop in prague

2007-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Denisa Kera
Last chance to apply to TransISTor workshop http://transistor.ciant.cz in JUNE organised by www.FAMU.cz and www.CIANT.cz TransISTor focuses on computer games technologies while opening up their creative potential for non-gaming storytelling domains including art, cinema, TV, educational

[spectre] Teleconference on Visualizations in Art and Science

2006-05-03 Diskussionsfäden Denisa Kera
” of the digital art? Moderators: Kamila B. Richter PhD. Candidate Academy of Fine Arts in Prague Research project: Sonification and Visualization of Complex Dynamic Information kam[at]avu.cz http://nemec.wz.cz/thesis/ Denisa Kera Center for Global Studies Academy of science and Charles University