
Apologies for the cross-post. Here is an invitation to the next Besides the
Screen conference, this November. It might be of interest to some. Hope to
see you in Brazil!


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**Besides the Screen Brazil 2015 International Conference**
~ The Methods & Materials of Curating ~
UFES, 23-25 November
USP / PUC, 26-28 November

The second edition of the Besides the Screen conference in Brazil focuses
on *The Methods and Materials of Curating*, highlighting the importance of
curatorial practices both to the work that *engages with* moving images as
well as to the one that *departs from *them.

Giving body to exhibitions, festivals, circuits and collections,
curatorship allows for the territorialization and historiography of the
movie, collaborating with the constitution of the time and space in which
images come into existence. In that sense, it can play a crucial role in
the development of cinema as a medium and a social technique.

Considering its intervention in defining the ways in which new modalities
of moving image are presented and old ones are preserved, would
curating be able
not only to ask what it will be of cinema in the next centuries, but also
to come up with answers to this question?

The conference gathers researchers, artists, archivists, independent and
institutional curators to discuss the possibilities of a cinema that
encompasses elements from slide projection and the recuperation of super8
film to computational imaging and generative audiovisual processes.

Keynote speakers: Thomas Elsaesser (University of Amsterdam), Jane Giles
(British Film Institute), Sarah Cook (University of Dundee) and Chris
Salter (University of Concordia).

Invited panelists: Thereza Farkas (Associação Cultural Videobrasil), Ramiro
Azevedo (Cine Esquema Novo), Marcelo Ikeda (UFC), Lucas Bambozzi (FAAP/
Labmóvel), Roberto Cruz (FEBASP / Duplo Galeria), Virginia Crisp
(University of Coventry), Sérgio Basbaum (PUC-SP), Silvia Laurentiz (USP)
and Rubens Machado (USP).

With the participation of: Erly Vieira Jr. (UFES) & Rodrigo de Oliveira,
Bernadette Lyra (UAM), Tetê Mattos (UERJ), Patrícia Mourão (USP), Maria
Antonia Velez-Serna (University of Sterling), Viviane Vallades (USP),
Cassia Hosni (Fundação Bienal), Laurem Crossetti (Universidade do Porto),
Patrícia Moran (USP), Fernando Velázquez (Red Bull Station), German Alfonso
Nunez (University of the Arts London), Thiago Carrapatoso (Bard College),
Sônia Aparecida Fardin (MIS Campinas), Gabriela Motta (USP), Richard
MacDonald (Goldsmiths, University of London), Antonio Laurindo dos Santos
Neto (Arquivo Nacional), Adilson Mendes, After.Video Collective, Herbert
Baioco, Lucas Coimbra (UFSC), Duo B, Samanta Fluture (PUC-SP), Lucas
Gervilla, Paloma Oliveira & Mateus Knelsen (UFRJ), Lali Krotoszynski (USP),
Estúdio Laborg, José Dario Vargas Parra (USP), Yiftah Peled (UFES), Gavin
Singleton, Miro Soares, Andrei Thomaz (IED) and Bruno Vianna.

FULL PROGRAMME AT *besidesthescreen.com <http://besidesthescreen.com>
*AND *facebook.com/telasaparte

This BTS conference is organized by the Besides the Screen Network with the
support of AHRC-UK and CAPES.
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