/Geert Lovink presents his lastest book Networks Without a Cause/

*Geert Lovink* presents his latest book */Networks Without a Cause/*
Face to face with the author
*13th June - 9 PM
Circolo dei Lettori*

*On 13th June at 9 PM, at the Circolo dei Lettori in Turin,* Geert Lovink will be presenting his latest book Networks Without a Cause. Translated into Italian as Ossessioni collettive and published by Egea, the Bocconi University press, the new Italian release by the Dutch thinker and founder/director of the Institute of Network Cultures will be introduced by *Vito Campanelli*, followed by a discussion with *Simona Lodi *and* Luca Barbeni* within the framework of Share Festival 2012.

In its critique of social media, the book takes as its starting point the fact that the vast majority of Facebook users are too caught up in a frenzy of 'friending', 'liking' and 'commenting' to pause to grasp the consequences of our info-saturated lives. Geert Lovink asks just what is it that compels us, as though it were a duty, to engage so diligently every day with social networks such as Twitter, Flickr and FourSquare. The book examines the collective obsession with online identity and image, connecting it with the fragmentation and information overload endemic to online culture. Nobody is spared as Lovink provides a path-breaking critical analysis of search engines, online video, blogging, digital radio, media activism and the Wikileaks saga. Probing but never pessimistic, Lovink offers a critique of the political structures and conceptual powers embedded in the technologies that shape our daily lives.

On Thursday, 14th June, Geert Lovink will be in Milan for a Meet the Media Guru event to be held at the Mediateca Santa Teresa at 7:30 PM, and on 16th June he will be in Bologna for an encounter organized by the publisher Egea at the Centro Sociale TPO at 6 PM.

We would like to thank all the sponsors supporting this event, in particular the Dutch Embassy for having made it possible to organize the event in three different Italian cities.

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