The international call is open for artists and social scientists to
collaborate with the following nine organisations located in the
Basque Country and Salamanca, as part of the 2011 edition of
Improbable Connections: DeustoTech (Institute of Technology at the
University of Deusto), Fagor Electrodomésticos (household appliances
cooperative group), Anesvad Foundation (cooperation NGO), Germán
Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation (dedicated to promoting reading), i68
Group (software engineering company), Lauaxeta Ikastola (school), Obe
Hettich (furniture solutions company), Tknika (vocational training
innovation centre) and Uribe Kosta (group of 10 City Councils in the
Bilbao metropolitan area).

Deadline: 9am on 28 March 2011.
Collaboration period: May 2011 - January 2012.
Payment: 12,000 euros + VAT (including travel and accommodation).

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