*New podcast: Iman Issa, the winner of the first Han Nefkens-MACBA
Contemporary Art Award, talks about memory and language through her
artistic objects.*

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/iman_issa/capsula

Iman Issa was born in Cairo. When she moved to New York, where she now
lives and works, Iman started to reflect on her relationship to familiar
figures, events and places. She wondered how an artist can represent a
specific city from a collection of images of everyday places. This idea
came from her early pieces, which were based on personal memory and how it
relates to urban and political representations, such as memorials.

In 2012 Iman won the first Han Nefkens-MACBA Contemporary Art Award. Her
work has also been shown in the New Museum in New York, the KW in Berlin,
the Contemporary Image Collective in Cairo and the Tate Modern in London.

In this podcast  Iman Issa taks about memory and language through her
artistic objects. But also through the path she has followed from her
earlier works to her present reflections, from Cairo to New York.

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