[spectre] Ràdio Web MACBA recommended podcasts

2011-11-06 Diskussionsfäden Radio Web MACBA
* Ràdio Web MACBA recommended podcasts: * * * *-INTERRUPTIONS mix series, *by Jon Leidecker, Chris Brown, Felix Kubin, Florian Hecker, Marcus Schmickler. Theme-based à la carte musique podcasts. http://rwm.macba.cat/en/interruptions-tag/ -*MEMORABILIA. C

[spectre] Ràdio Web MACBA recommended podcasts

2010-12-31 Diskussionsfäden Radio Web MACBA
*Ràdio Web MACBA recommended podcasts:* -*VARIATIONS*, by Jon Leidecker. An in-depth overview on the History of Sampling. http://rwm.macba.cat/en/variations_tag -*COMPOSING WITH PROCESS: PERSPECTIVES ON GENERATIVE AND SYSTEMS MUSIC*, by Mark Fell and Joe Gilmore. An exploration of generative appr