Dear Spectrite,

For those of you in Athens (and for those who would like to come for the week end), I am super happy to take part in this event.
See all detailed info below.



International Meeting
Art & the Life Sciences: Ethics & perspectives, Athens

The Laboratory for Study and Conservation of Ancient and Modern Cultural Properties of the University of West Attica and the Athens School of Fine Art co-organise the International Meeting: “Art & the Life Sciences: Ethics & perspectives on Friday, October 5th, 2018 at the Theater of the Athens School of Fine Art (256, Pireos str.). Participants in the meeting will be internationally acclaimed artists and curators who will exchange views with Greek academics with international research presence at the intersection of art and the life sciences.

International guest speakers are Kristiina Ljokkoi, Vice-President of The Finnish Society for Bioarts, international UK artists Anna Dumitriu & Alex May and French curator Annick Bureaud, Director of Leonardo/OLATS, who will present recent developments in art-science collaboration for the creation of works of art and art installations. International guests will exchange views with Greek academics Prof. Georgios Panagiaris from the University of West Attica and Ass. Prof. Assimina Kaniari from the Athens School of Fine Art, as well as the general public, about the ethics of art - science collaboration, especially the life sciences and the perspectives for contemporary art production.

Context of the discussion, moderated by Annick Bureaud is to explore how the arts are currently perceived within bioscience in Greece and how they are perceived in other countries. What methods of collaboration are fruitful or not and the reasons. Why the arts are vital in scientific research contexts led by a research funding council. Is there a nascent cultural shift?

Full program:

Friday, October 5th 2018

International Meeting. Art & the Life Sciences:
Ethics & perspectives
Theatre of Athens School of Fine Art (Pireos 256)

17.00 - 17.30 Welcome speeches

17.30 - 17.50 Kristiina Ljokkoi (The Finnish Society for Bioarts): Ars Bioarctica Residency Program Introduction to the art & science residency program in Kilpisjärvi Center for Biological Research, in Northern Finland

17.50 - 18.10 Anna Dumitriu & Alex May (University of Hertfordshire): ArchaeaBot Presentation of the project ArchaeaBot (LABoral/Ars Electronica/ 2018)

18.10 - 18.30 Assimina Kaniari (Athens School of Fine Art): Writing Life: Bioartists as authors

18.30 - 18.50: Georgios Panagiaris (University of West Attica): Bioart: towards a common deontological framework of its production and display Presentation of the results of the research project Bioart: definitions and limits. Research to establish a commonly accepted ethical management framework (BIOART) (Program “Archimedes III”, 2012-2015)

18.50 - 19.10 Break

19.10 - 20.00 Discussion with Annick Bureaud (Leonardo/OLATS): What’s Art got to do with this?
Discussion on the Ethics of Art-Science Collaboration

20.00 - 21.00 Wine reception
"With the kind support of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens"

This event is co-organised by the Laboratory for Study and Conservation of Ancient and Modern Cultural Properties of the University of West Attica and the Athens School of Fine Art

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