Dear Friends and Colleagues

I am happy to announce that the video recordings of the /Global Periphery/ Symporium are now online!

(scroll down the page or select "video" in the table of contents).

You could not make it to the Symposium /Global Periphery. Contemporary Imaginaries of Space, Multiple Voices/in Septembre in Paris?

You attended but you would like to listen again to some of these voices —or all of them?

It is cold outside (or too humid, or too hot, or too ...).

The solstice break is approaching and you find time for yourself.

Well, no matter your reasons because you don't need excuses to watch the videos and listen to the presentations by Frédérique Aït-Touati, Fabiane Borges, Davis Cook, Eleanor Armstrong, Bernard Foing, Rob La Frenais, Eduardo Kac, Yoko Shimizu, Ale de la Puente, Rohini Devasher, Michelle Hanlon, Marcus Neustetter & Team.

It's on YouTube and Vimeo depending on your preferences.


(P.S. the video of the /Imaginary Futures /performance by Marcus Neustetter and Team will be online by the end of the year, stay tune).


Annick Bureaud

/Global Periphery/is part of /More-Than-Planet/ project, an international cooperation project between Stichting Waag Society (NL), lead partner, Zavod Projekt Atol (SI), Ars Electronica (AT), Digital Art International ART2M (FR), Northern Photographic Centre (FI) and Leonardo/Olats (FR).

/Global Periphery/is organised by Leonardo/Olats; curators: Annick Bureaud and Marcus Neustetter.

Collaborations with Chaire arts & sciences, Ecole polytechnique and Ensad (FR)

and with Cité Internationale des Arts.

Endorsed by ITACCUS, the Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space of the IAF-International Astronautical Federation.

Co-funded by the European Union (Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them)

Leonardo/Olats received the support from the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, the Canadian Cultural Center in Paris and the Institut Français India.
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