Newsletter 5.1.2007

January 31 - February 4, 2007
Akademie der Kuenste
Berlin, Hanseatenweg 10


1. transmediale.07 Salon
2. Panels and discussions
3. Presentations of artists

1. transmediale.07 Salon

The salon programme of transmediale.07 presents artistic projects and
discussions that relate to current questions in art and digital culture. German
and international 'works in progress' and initiatives present themselves to the
audience and invite an exchange of ideas. Throughout the festival, the
transmediale salon invites its visitors to delve into a dialogue about
contemporary artistic practices, their communication and their distribution.

In this newsletter you will find a *small selection* of the
multi-facetted Salon
events; information about all other presentations, e.g. about online computer
games, media art education at school, digital art projects in urban space, or
the Chinese Firewall, can be found at:

2. Panels and discussions

Resonant Memory Traces / Theory
Wednesday, 31.1. 2007, 18 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
The Institute for Media Archaeology (IMA) devotes its research to the work of
female artists in the field of electronic media art. In its ‘virtual salon’,
IMA presents the first two portraits of the DVD-series ‘IMA fiction’, dedicated
to Liesl Ujvary and Rebekah Wilson aka Netochka Nezvanova. Followed by a
discussion about the life and work of Mary Ellen Bute, a pioneering artist in
the area of  combining light and music.
Participants: Elisabeth Schimana, Liesl Ujvary, Rebekah Wilson, Cordula Boesze,
Seppo Gruendler, Martin Breindl.
Supported by: bundeskanzleramt:kunst, Niederoesterreich Kultur und FH Joanneum.

Networking Bordergames
Thursday, 1.2. 2007, 12 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
'Bordergames' is an international open-source computer game project. It offers
young migrants a creative tool for self-representation and for a critical
analysis of their environment. It also serves as an instrument for reflecting
and communicating about social conflicts. The subject and content of the
different local versions of ’Bordergames’ are the specific living conditions of
young migrants in political, social and cultural border areas. Starting from
their immediate environment, the teenagers can choose characters, dialogues and
paths by themselves, learning the specific IT skills to realize the computer
'Bordergames Kreuzberg' evolves from a cooperation with the Spanish art and
activist collective La Fiambrera Obrera. At the transmediale.07, Spanish and
Berlin-based members of the group will show the three already existing versions
of ’Bordergames’ (Lavapies, Figueres and Rifgames) and will present the Berlin
workshop, scheduled to start in spring 2007 in the area around Wrangelstrasse
in Kreuzberg.
Participants: Bordergames Kreuzberg, La Fiambrera Obrera

Whatever happened to Tactical Media?
Thursday, 1.2. 2007, 16 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
Creating a collaborative culture has been the main goal of video activism,
independent practices that are based upon cooperation and networking. Can
online tools and services such as YouTube or Flickr provide new cultural
identities and open up new areas of dialogue and critique? What political role
does the Net play today as a tool for collaborative production? Is
self-sufficiency and the DIY ethos still important in the age of Web 2.0? And
what is the actual relevance of tactical media today?
Participants: Baerbel Schoenafinger, Katsiaryna Herasenkava, Pauluk
Anastasia Nekozakova, Petko Dourmana, Fran Ilich, Micz Flor
Presented by: Joanne Richardson

Designing Your Second Life
Friday, 2.2. 2007, 19.30 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
In Massively Multi-user Online worlds (MMOs) like Second Life,
millions of users
experience new forms of entertainment, virtual commerce and creative metaphors
of identity. This evolution constitutes a challenge for both, game developers
and activists. But it attracts also artists, who aim to swim against the
virtual stream as well.
Participants: Joachim Stein, Anna Krenz, Aram Bartholl, Kaspar Gwinner, IGA
Presented by: Peter C. Krell
In cooperation with ’Game Face’

Content Generating Users (in German)
Saturday, 3.2. 2007, 12 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
The Blogosphere, where many people found their place as sender, receiver and
relay, has finally reached the art world. In November 2006 the Deutschlandradio
began to broadcast ‘Blogspiel’, a programme whose radio and sound art contents
are mostly provided by the continuous posts on its website. is an
open online archive for audiovisual art, while is a forum for
art criticism. The possibilities and limits of ‘User-Generated Content’ will be
discussed with the audience.
Participants: Markus Heidmeier, Jana Wuttke, Vera Glahn, Marcus Wendt, Adib
Fricke, Markus Wirthmann

The Net as an Artwork
Sunday, 4.2. 2007, 16 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
The book ‘Networking - The Net as an Artwork’ by Tatiana Bazzichelli,
a first attempt at writing a history of both analog and digital subcultural
network art in Italy. It is an analysis of the realities which, during the past
twenty years, have given way to a creative and media-conscious use of
technologies - such as Mail Art, Neoism, the Luther Blissett project,
Telestreets, and other subcultural movements and networks.
Participants: Tatiana Bazzichelli, Gaia Novati, jaromil, Diana McCarty

3. Presentations of artists

David Rokeby
Friday, 2.2. 2007, 13 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
David Rokeby is a sound and video installation artist based in Toronto, Canada.
Since the beginning of the 80’s he has been using technology to make pieces
that directly engage the human body, or that involve artificial perception

Antoine Schmitt
Saturday, 3.2. 2007, 17 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
Artist and programmer, Antoine Schmitt stands at the intersection of
and dynamic simulation. He uses programming as an essential artistic material
thus building new kinds of dynamic forms by algorithmically recreating the
causes of movement and the force behind the action.

Herwig Weiser
Thursday, 1.2. 2007, 14 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
Weiser is an interdisciplinary artist in the broadest sense - his long term
investigation of the relationship between electronic systems, sound and
material environments and the representation of the raw hardware stock that
drives these technologies, draws on aesthetic, engineering and programming
disciplines, as well as a wider spectrum of scientific principles.

Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag: Borders And The Infinite - forming gas - and
electromagnetic waves
Saturday, 3.2. 2007, 14 hrs, Akademie Hanseatenweg, Salon
The artist Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag independently develops the interfaces and
software of his installations that he uses with his team N-solab in order to
explore the limits of the senses in a more intense way. Recently he realised
the projects ‘sonArc’ and ‘Der domestizierte Blick’. Interested in Psycho
Acoustics and Cognitive Sciences, Sonntag concerns himself with the limits of
perception and more generally with the limits of media, philosophy and

festival for art and digital culture berlin

transmediale.07  -  31 january - 4 february 2007
festival for art and digital culture berlin
transmediale - Klosterstr. 68 - 10179 Berlin
tel. +49 (0)30.24749-761 fax. +49 (0)30.24749-814
Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals

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