Experimenting with Networks, Technologies and Political Hurdles:
kuda.org on their Origins and Current Challenges

A Conversation with Borka Stojić and Zoran Pantelić, moderator: Lina Dokuzović

Audio to be released today, 6 March, at 18:00 CET

Novi Sad-based organization kuda.org had its origins in art production, but evolved to become a central player in influencing cultural policy making as a response to the stagnation and incapacity of their corrupt post-transition landscape. Through the building, development, and fostering of an ecosystem of translocal partnerships that traverse art production, theory, technopolitics, research, publishing, music production, performance, and experimentation across the board, self-education and care has lied at the core of their practices. In this discussion, we reflect on the complex landscape within which they are situated, the possibilities they created when confronted with impossibilities, the conditions of hopelessness and hope in their environment, recent collaborations and publications, as well as some reflections on decolonial and feminist perspectives.



Next Wednesday, 13 March:

Reflections on Care and Yugofuturism:
The Publishing Practices of Theater Platform Maska

A Conversation with Alja Lobnik, Aleš Mendiževec and Pia Brezavšček, moderator: Lina Dokuzović

Ljubljana-based theater platform Maska began over a century ago with a journal for critically reflecting and discussing theater practices. Today, they support the theater scene while continuing and challenging the legacy of the organization and its publishing practices. Some of their most recent publications include Bojana Kunst’s book Politics of Care at the Crossroad of Art and Life (translated and published by transversal texts as Das Leben der Kunst. Transversale Linien der Sorge). Shortly after the centennial edition of Maska’s journal, they developed both a journal issue – as well as a series of other events and debates in the months that followed – around the notion of Yugofuturism. Drawing parallels between the potentials and traumas of past and present, and linking to notions of futuring of the Global South, they propose the use of multiple temporalities to challenge the present and create hope for the future. In this discussion, we reflect on the challenges of taking over such a long-standing institution and legacy, the importance of care in cultural work, and some perspectives on Yugofuturism. 

Upcoming events

Publishing and Becoming-Public after Social Media
Workshop, Vienna, 19 March 2024, 12:00 - open end

Das Leben der Kunst. Transversale Linien der Sorge 
Book presentation with Bojana Kunst and Stefan Nowotny
Depot, Vienna, 20 March 2024, 19:00


These audios and events are part of the project 'Peripheral Visions', which is supported by the Creative Europe Programme (2021-27) of the European Union and co-funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.
The annual programme of eipcp is supported by: Foundation for Arts Initiatives, City of Vienna Culture.

Funded by the European Union      Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport      Foundation for Arts Initiatives     City of Vienna Culture     Peripheral Visions

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
wien, linz, berlin, london, málaga, zürich
a-1060 wien, gumpendorfer straße 63b

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