[spectre] Eclectic Tech Carnival 2006, Timisoara/RO, Sept. 4-8

2006-08-10 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 16:11:17 -0500
From: "sistero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  [ann] Eclectic Tech Carnival 2006 September 4-8

The Eclectic Tech Carnival 2006: "The Learning Bazaar"

Five days and nights of collaborative learning, sharing, installing and
experimenting with computer technology - by women, for women.

DATES: Monday 4th - Friday 8th September
MAIN PLACE: Galeria H.Arta, Strada Iuliu Maniu nr.3, et.2, Timisoara,
COST: sliding fee scale in ecorates - see the web site for details

LANGUAGE: English, with Romanian translations

The Eclectic Tech Carnival (/etc) is an annual nomadic event organised
by an international collective of women into free technology and free

What's it about?
- women learning with women
- using and understanding FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software)
- DIY culture and collaborative information sharing
- gender and technology
- creating and distributing our own content

What will be happening?
The /etc features a programme of computer workshops during the day and
cultural activities in the evening. The full programme will be on the
web site closer to the time of the festival and will include the

- computer hardware course: take it apart, name it, and put it back
together again
- Linux: learn the basics, install or share and extend your skills
- FLOSS: what is it and how you can use it?
- HTML: hand-coding web pages
- other scripting languages: Perl, Python, CSS etc
- computers as creative tools for communication: UpStage, audio and
video streaming
- lecture on Creative Commons
& other random analogue elements of creativity that sizzle during the

Public Presentations - everyone invited:
Tuesday 5th, 18.00 - 20.00: 'Open Discussion'
Friday 8th, from 18.00: 'Closing Carnival'

More information and programme: http://eclectictechcarnival.org/

Presented by the WAITS Foundation in collaboration with D Media and

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Emergences festival | 29, 30 sept. and 1st oct. 2006

2006-08-10 Diskussionsfäden Laureen Lagarde
Emergences festival
new artistic forms and new media
Sept. 29th till Oct.1st 2006

Maison de la Villette
/ Performances | Concerts | Installations | Shows /// 
 Conferences | Works in progress /// 
International festival dedicated to electronic cultures and emerging
artistic forms, Emergences brings together, every year in Paris, French
and international actors in digital creation (cultural centers, art
groups, research labs, multimedia production firms...) all gathered
around a prolific and international artistic program at the crossroad
between performing & visual arts, multimedia, design, architecture and
electronic music.
This fourth edition of the festival asks the question of artistic
diversion of everyday objects by invinting artists to express their
position vis-à-vis the market place of the information society (video
game consoles, cell phoning, GPS, web services, videoconferencing...)
and especialy the video game culture.
The program is revolves around evening events at la Maison de la
Villette: shows, music lives, performances, animated films inspired by
video games and twisting their codes and esthetics; around an artistic
process dedicated to the "Game art" which will spread from la Maison de
la Villette to the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie thus connecting
the two spaces. At daytime, conferences and works in progress are going
to supplement this artistic programming.
Lastly, somewhere between Paris and Strasbourg, Emergences is once again
getting off its territorial borders to develop arty ties with its
partner "Les Nuits Electroniques de l'Ososphère", a festival in
Strasbourg which takes place over the same period: simultaneously
program network creations and performances, numerical experiments, live
retransmissions and ephemeral radio in the two events.
All in all, they are more than 30 artists who are to participate to this
new edition of Emergences : 
Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca, Marnix de Nijs, Yan Duyvendak, //fur///,
Habbo Hotel, MEC (Motards En Colère), the art group Exyzt,...
Best regards,
Dedale’s team
Emergences festival is organized by Dedale and funded by the French
Ministry of Culture, the « Région Ile-de-France » and the city of Paris.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] exhibiton Ivan Faktor: Zeljko Jerman - My Month @ gray) (area . korcula

2006-08-10 Diskussionsfäden Darko Fritz

gray) (area

space of contemporary and media art . Korcula . Croatia

presents . Ivan Faktor: Zeljko Jerman - My Month

10 - 15 . 08 . 2006 . opening 10th  August 20 - 22 h

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7th August 2006 conceptual artist Zeljko Jerman (b. 1949) died in 

gray) (area space of contemporary and media art is located hundred 
meters form Jerman's summer house in Korcula and place of his death in 
the sea. This exhibition is programed before his death.

Ivan Faktor: Zeljko Jerman - My Month
directed by Ivan Faktor
screenplay by Ivan Faktor, Zeljko Jerman

The life of Željko Jerman, an artist, seemingly resembles other 
people’s lives: he has a pet, ordinary things around him, access to 
media... he has small pleasures, desires, melancholies... And yet, 
everything in his world is different, including the audiovisual 
stocktaking of a perfectly ordinary month, saturated with solitude and 
quiet ...

Film is shown at
. ZagrebDox (2006)
. 52. film festival Oberhausen (2006)
. 15. dani hrvatskog filma (Zagreb, 2006)
. Tabor film festival, Veliki Tabor – Desinić (2006)

Ivan Faktor was born in Crnac, Croatia in 1953. He makes experimental 
films, videos and video-installations; he is also a photographer. He is 
the founder and manager of ‘Kazamat’ Gallery in Osijek (2001-2004) and 
Performance Art Festival (since 2001). He lives and works in Osijek. He 
represented Croatia at the 25th Sao Paulo Biennale. His films include: 
'Papirnata gozba' (1975), 'Zlatno tele 2' (1975), 'Kirway Sv. 
Antuna Padovanskog' (1977), 'Prvi program' (1978), 'Svodiči od grilaža' 
(1978), 'Autoportret' (1980), 'F DS- 40 W' (1980/1981), '2F BB - 40 W' 
(1982), 'Kamera projektor I' (1983), 'Das Lied ist aus' (2002), 'Mörder 
unter uns' (2004), 'Željko Jerman: Moj mjesec' (2005), 
'Autoportret' (still in production).

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gray) (area is located 10 meters by the sea in the basement of The 
Memorial Collection of Maksimilijan Vanka 
[http://www.hazu.hr/ENG/MemColl_M_Vanka.html] . Put sv. Nikole 7 . 

open daily 19. 30 - 21.30 h or by appointment

gray) (area is summer only initiative of Darko Fritz 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / tel +31 [0] 91.5800193

program 2006:
Lala Rascic (Sarajevo – Zagreb): 'Sorry, Wrong Number'
Boris Cvjetanović (Zagreb): ‘Fotovideo’
Ivan Faktor (Osijek): Zeljko Jerman - My Month
guest curator Stefan Rusu (Moldavia): Video from Central Asia [maybe to 
be moved to program 2007]

program is made with NO financial support and therefore thanks to all 

website is under construction [to be expected summer 2007]

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gray) (area is protocol between a white cube and a black box.
gray) (area is sensing creative economy of 21st Century in error.
gray) (area is hub of gray economy.
gray) (area is dead-end backbone of social not.work of contemporary 
cultural politics.

gray) (area is operating system of no.work.
gray) (area prefers diving in a crystal blue sea than silicon one.
gray) (area prefers periphery than center.
gray) (area like speaking Bad english.

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Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_area)

A grey areais a term for a border in-between two or more things that is 
unclearly defined, a border that is hard to define or even impossible 
to define, or a definition where the distinction border tends to move. 
There are several flavors of grey areas:

▪ A grey area of definitions signifies a problem of sorting reality 
into clearly cut categories. Example: where is the border between 
erotica and pornography?

▪ A grey area of law is an area where no clear law or precedent exists, 
or where the law has not been applied in a long time thus making it 
unclear if it is applicable at all.

▪ A grey area of ethics signifies an ethical dilemma, where the border 
between right and wrong is blurred. Example: is killing always 

Grey areas are widely accepted in democratic societies and have a clear 
connection to the notion of tolerance, whereas in societies of 
totalitarianism, grey areas are typically not accepted on any level.

Many people accept grey areas as a natural part of the human 
experience, whereas others may react with suspicion and a feeling of 
defectness or uncompleteness of any thought-system (or paradigm) 
accepting grey areas.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] Emergences festival | 29, 30 sept. and 1st oct. 2006

2006-08-10 Diskussionsfäden Franck ANCEL
What is exactly on the program ? Who are invited ? Is it just a concept ?
Franck is staying in peace on the road to Death Valley after ISEA06 at SJ

NBO-TXT only for french fries

PS1-TXT for people all the world

Laureen Lagarde a écrit :

>Emergences festival
>new artistic forms and new media
>Sept. 29th till Oct.1st 2006
>Maison de la Villette
>/ Performances | Concerts | Installations | Shows /// 
> Conferences | Works in progress /// 
>International festival dedicated to electronic cultures and emerging
>artistic forms, Emergences brings together, every year in Paris, French
>and international actors in digital creation (cultural centers, art
>groups, research labs, multimedia production firms...) all gathered
>around a prolific and international artistic program at the crossroad
>between performing & visual arts, multimedia, design, architecture and
>electronic music.
>This fourth edition of the festival asks the question of artistic
>diversion of everyday objects by invinting artists to express their
>position vis-à-vis the market place of the information society (video
>game consoles, cell phoning, GPS, web services, videoconferencing...)
>and especialy the video game culture.
>The program is revolves around evening events at la Maison de la
>Villette: shows, music lives, performances, animated films inspired by
>video games and twisting their codes and esthetics; around an artistic
>process dedicated to the "Game art" which will spread from la Maison de
>la Villette to the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie thus connecting
>the two spaces. At daytime, conferences and works in progress are going
>to supplement this artistic programming.
>Lastly, somewhere between Paris and Strasbourg, Emergences is once again
>getting off its territorial borders to develop arty ties with its
>partner "Les Nuits Electroniques de l'Ososphère", a festival in
>Strasbourg which takes place over the same period: simultaneously
>program network creations and performances, numerical experiments, live
>retransmissions and ephemeral radio in the two events.
>All in all, they are more than 30 artists who are to participate to this
>new edition of Emergences : 
>Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca, Marnix de Nijs, Yan Duyvendak, //fur///,
>Habbo Hotel, MEC (Motards En Colère), the art group Exyzt,...
>Best regards,
>Dedale’s team
>Emergences festival is organized by Dedale and funded by the French
>Ministry of Culture, the « Région Ile-de-France » and the city of Paris.
>SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
>Info, archive and help:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Hyperyarn: a conceptual artware overcoded in 20 minutes during ISEA2006 by criticalartware + friends

2006-08-10 Diskussionsfäden jonCates


Hyperyarn, a conceptual artware, will be overcoded by criticalartware  
core.developers in 20 minutes during ISEA2006!

criticalartware core.developers based in Chicago IL .US are  
participating in ISEA2006 in San Jose CA .US via the re:mote program  
curated by Adam Hyde with an 'overcoded' [presentation/performance].  
join criticalartware to collaboratively overcode the Open Source  
Hyperyarn artware application during this 20 minute artware  
development session:


[+/or] just view the source tree grow as script kittens get stuck  
climbing in these branching metastructures:


Enjoy extreme programming style collaborative codeworking, discursive  
hyperactivity + deeply self-referential intertwingularity in this  
experimental Multi-Protocol Realtime Communication Client Server  
Application + Live Coding Environment!

Hyperyarn will be overcoded on FRI 2006.08.11 @ 3 PM PDT (Pacific  
Daylight Time) if you are in San Jose CA .US [+/or] 5 PM (Central  
Daylight Time) if you are in Chicago IL .US [+/or] 958 Internet Time  
if you are onLine [+/or] 22:00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) [+/ 
or] GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) everywarez...


Hyperyarn: A Multi-Protocol Realtime Communication Client Server  
Application + Live Coding Environment

Hyperyarn is a conceptual artware project by criticalartware  
functioning as an Open Source experimental Multi-Protocol Realtime  
Communication Client Server Application + Live Coding Environment.  
Inspired by + intertwingled with Ted Nelson's Xanadu system + Marcel  
Duchamp's Mile of String project, Hyperyarn hopes to entangle script  
kitties in playful games of pseudo-codes, self-recursive systems,  
extreme programming, realtime data processing + collaborative  
exchange. Enabling + decentralizing discourse, Hyperyarn facilitates  
realtime communication on a distributed network between client/server  
applications. These applications, otherwise known as criticalartware  
core.developers, will collectively improvise live codework,  
discursive hyperactivity + extreme programming of Open Source artware  
systems. criticalartware presents Hyperyarn within the ISEA2006  
re:mote program during criticalartware's "overcoded: live codework,  
artware discussion + hyperweaving session" [performance/ 
presentation]. As a Live Coding Environment, Hyperyarn includes a  
self-modifying source code editor, compiler, virtual machine +  
debugger with network support for collaborative + performative  
programming projects. Hyperyarn is written in Hyperyarn to increase  
self-reflexivity + recursiveness. Allowing users to connect through  
insecure proxies during live coding sessions, Hyperyarn further  
complicates + problematizes assumptions + foregrounds conceptual  
artware instability, temporality + speculativity. Hyperyarn provides  
cross platform support for human computers, computational systems +  
mobile devices + is released under the GNU GPL.


Hyperyarn: A Multi-Protocol Realtime Communication Client Server  
Application + Live Coding Environment

// start coding: 2006.08.11 13:00 PM CST
//   end coding: 2006.08.11 13:20 PM CST

Hyperyarn is a conceptual artware project by criticalartware  
functioning as an Open Source experimental Multi-Protocol Realtime  
Communication Client Server Application + Live Coding Environment.  
Hyperyarn is inspired by + intertwingled with ideas such as Ted  
Nelson's speculative Xanadu systems + Marcel Duchamp's Mile of String  
project. Hyperyarn hopes to variously entangle script kitties across  
multiple interwoven {ports|paths} including runme.org, _arc.hive_,  
Rhizome.org + other ports in playful pseudo-codes, self-recursive  
systems, extreme programming, realtime data processing +  
collaborative exchange. Enabling + decentralizing discourse,  
Hyperyarn facilitates realtime communication on a distributed network  
between client/server applications. These applications, otherwise  
known as criticalartware core.developers, will utilize Hyperyarn's  
encrypted modes (including 1337 speak, artspeak, Jargon Files,  
critical discourse + Hyperyarn source codes) to collectively  
improvise live codework, discursive hyperactivity + extreme  
programming of Open Source artware systems. As a conceptual artware  
project, Hyperyarn is {actualized|activated} through the process of  
it's own articulation + documentation of the conversational exchanges  
that constitute this open artware system.

criticalartware presents Hyperyarn within the ISEA2006 re:mote  
program during criticalartware's "overcoded: live codework, artware  
discussion + hyperweaving session" [performance/presentation]. during  
"overcoded" criticalartware core.developers engage multiple  
discursive modalities simultaneously in an open cacophonious jam,  
improvising collaborative strategies of live codework,