[spectre] vasulka fundamentalist live party

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden Milo* VOJT*CHOVSK*
NOD National Film Archive and Radio lemuire 


A Fundamentalist party - Steina and Woody Vasulka live show
Saturday: 11.11. 2006, 7:30 p.m. CET
Experimental space Roxy/NoD, Dlouhá 33, Praha

You can follow this program on  real-time video streaming at www.lemurie.cz  


  Steina and Woody (The Vasulkas) are among the principal actors of 
international avant-garde art. Steina, originally from Island, was trained as 
violinist. Woody (Bohuslav) Va*ulka, born in Brno, Moravia, studied documentary 
film at Prague Film School (FAMU). Together they left Czechoslovakia in 1965 
and later settled in New York where they joined local art community and 
co-founded renowned avant-garde art centre The Kitchen. They worked in the 
Media Centre at the State University of New York in Buffalo (1973-9). Since 
1980 they have been living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Lately they have also been 
cooperating with media centre ZKM in Karlsruhe. During the last 50 years they 
have influenced not only emerging new media scene, experimental film and video 
art and electronic music spheres, but also concepts of international art 
  Their longtime research into the properties of electronic image and 
machine character is particularly polymorphic: reaching from early 
documentaries recordings of New York art scene and first video experiments, 
inquiries into image-sound interface possibilities, to their joint as well as 
individual activities in the areas of interactive installations and robotics. 
Steina is for instance the author of machine vision installations, where the 
human eye is replaced by mutually observing, moving cameras, as well as of 
violin performances during which she controls image cycles playing her digital 
  Woody created videotapes experimenting with new narrative forms involving 
electronic medium practices (The Commission, Art of Memory) and complex series 
of robotic installations called The Brotherhood, the objective of which is 
interconnection of human and machine aspects and intersection of virtual and 
actual space. Further information at: www.vasulka.org. 
  Rendezvous with Steina and Woody Vasulkas will take place on the occasion 
of the publication of a special issue of Iluminace journal (2/2006) with DVD 
supplement called Virtual Mushrooming (published by National Film Archives) 
presenting Vasulka's video works for the first time in Czech context. 

Program: Guy Van Belle: 4 miniature homages to The Vasulkas 

1. the digital image 2. the digital sound, 3. the technological artefakt, 4. a 
life and a point of view 

International artist Guy Van Belle is renowned author of experimental and media 
sound installations, also dealing with robotics and physical sound modeling. 
Since 2000 he has been working under the name of digital collective group 
mxHz.org, creating collaborative performances, concerts, workshops, exhibitions 
and experimental art projects. www.mxhz.org 
Filip Cenek: homage to The Vasulkas  Filip Cenek is Czech video artist and 
author of technical realization and design of presented DVD Virtual 

Projection from The Vasulkas archive: selection from unique documentaries about 
The Vasulkas provides an insight into Steina and Woody's practical philosophy 
as well as their living spaces. 

Discussion and refreshments, participating: Michal Bregant, Vit Janecek, Henry 
Hills, Petr Vrana, Lenka Dolanova, Milos Vojtechovsky, etc

The projection of The Jackie Curtis' First Television Special (1970) will be 
presented in NoD space-this early documentary work by Steina and Woody collects 
various recordings of Jackie Curtis, legendary performer, drag queen and 
Warholian actor. 

Interactive installation/performance Virtual Mushrooming contains an alchemic 
process of cooking mushrooms from the DVD. Participants: Lemurie, Insectual  

Produced by: National Film Archives in Prague, FAMU, CIANT, Experimental space 

You can watch this program on the web through real-time video streaming at 

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Festival Internacional de Televisão 2006

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden Informativo IETV

Você vai se surpreender com o que a televisão é capaz de fazer

A segunda edição do Festival Internacional de Televisão será
realizada de 20 a 26 de Novembro, trazendo mais uma vez o melhor da
TV mundial para o Rio de Janeiro.

A programação será dividida em sete módulos:


Programação de qualidade realizada fora dos eixos produtores
tradicionais. Programas de TV produzidos em Singapura, Moçambique,
Jordânia, Irã, África do Sul, China, Polônia.


Televisão no que ela tem de melhor. Programas produzidos pela
Granada, Channel 4, WGBH, NHK e ARTE.


Os vencedores deste ano nos principais festivais de televisão do
mundo: Banff (Canadá), Shanghai (China) e FIPA (França).


Este ano o seminário irá discutir televisão e cultura, novas
plataformas e a relação da TV com o espectador. Entre os
conferencistas estão: Laurindo Leal Filho (USP, autor de A TV sob
Controle, Wagner Bezerra (autor de Manual do Espectador Insatisfeito)
e François Jost (Sorbonne III, CEISME).


Os 15 vencedores do Tokyo Anime Award 2006 e animações contemporâneas
do Japão, África do Sul, EUA, França, Bélgica e Índia.


Formas originais e ousadas de fazer televisão. Três dias de exibições
e debates sobre TV e Diversidade Sexual (canal For Man, Grupo Arco
Íris e Jean Willis, vencedor do BBB 5) , TV para Celular (Lucas
Bambozzi e Gisele Beiguelman) e a TV que cai de pau na TV (Hermes e
Renato da MTV e Antonio Tabet do Kibe Loco).


Workshops que buscam aproximar o jovem da prática televisiva. Temas:
Animação para TV, Programação Visual para TV e Criação Publicitária
para TV.



tel.: 55-21-2558-8606

Rua Bar-o do Flamengo, 32 - 3¡ andar - RJ
Tel: (21) 2558 8606


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2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden maria x


Thursday November 16, 6-8pm in the Seminar Rooms, Ben Pimlott Building, 
Goldsmiths, University of London, New Corss, SE14 6NW



Tim Hopkins will introduce a new lyric theatre /digital media 
work-in-progress, called ELEPHANT AND CASTLE.

Architecture is music, frozen. Goethe

A new lyric theatre piece using the web to link audiences in two 
architectural spaces simultaneously, based at the Elephant and castle 
Shopping Centre and Aldeburgh Festival, Suffolk. This explores how human 
activity is directed by environment, in this case in two places that 
represent contrasting ideas of a designed society.

The Elephant was Britain's first Drive-In Shopping Centre, opened in 
1965, and along with many other buildings of its generation, is being 
redeveloped or effaced. The Snape Maltings concert hall was opened in 1967.

Research Phase funded by ARTS COUNCIL (UK)

*Tim Hopkins* works in two related areas: opera production and making 
new lyric theatre works with multimedia elements. He began making work 
in Opera and Theatre as a director from 1989, and additionally as a 
scenic designer and filmmaker from 1998.

He has been commissioned to direct opera repertoire for WNO, English 
National Opera, The Royal Opera Covent Garden, Opera North, 
Glimmerglass, Teatro dell’Opera Roma, Bayerische Staatsoper Festspiel, 
Theatre Basel, Graz Oper, Staatsoper Hannover, Wexford Festival, ETO, 
Alternative Lyrique Paris, Almeida Opera, Aldeburgh Festival and others. 
He has been commissioned to make original works, involving lyric 
theatre, moving image and digital media by Opera North, Aldeburgh 
Festival, ROH2, The Sage Gateshead, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, 
Channel 4 TV, LAP.

In 2001 he was awarded a NESTA Fellowship for personal artistic 


The rest of the Autumn term's Club nights are:



Mark is Professor of Computing at Goldsmiths with a research interest in 
intelligent agents and multi-agent systems.




Chris is a PhD candidate in Sociology and Computing at Goldsmiths 
College, Visiting Lecturer at City University, as well as owner and 
principal consultant of Smoothmedia http://www.smoothmedia.com/

For more information on the Thursday Club check 
http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk//thursday-club.php or email maria x: 

Maria Chatzichristodoulou [aka maria x] PhD Art  Computational 
Technologies http://www.cybertheater.org

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Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Rosalind - Upstart Media Art lexicon.

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden marc

Rosalind - Upstart Media Art lexicon.


Feed Rosalind with your own words and definitions to express and declare 
what you are, what you do and the worlds you create, on your own terms.

Influence and mutate her, help her to maturity.

Your words may :

- describe something very particular to your life/experience/work.
- be invented in a moment of desperation.
- arise in conversation with others.
- already be in circulation.


mociology - The study of the effect of mobile technology and ubiquitous 
networks on our social interactions. A combination of mobile and 
sociology.  An important term in the rising world-network that we're all 
blips in the midst of. Reference : 

Added by Jon Beardsley.

Mail listlessness.
Anxiety and ennui due to overwhelming list mail in inbox as a 
consequence of phobic sense of missing something which is not there. 
Added by Patrick Simons.

Glass Roots.
An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents those minorities 
privileged by class or financial resources from accessing the source of 
distributed power or responsibility, as exists within a local community.

Added by ruth catlow.

Alpha Revisionism.
Promoting or 'selling' an audience on a concept/product in nascent 
(possibly premature) stages in order to create popular sentiment  hype 
about A given idea, product, or action.

Added by Patrick Lichty

Study of how memes transmit over networks, what effect the existence and 
use of networks has on the spread and uptake of memetic infection I 
invented the word, it is itself a meme. Reference : www.telememetics.com -

Added by ivan007.

Anna Karenin Function.
A function which returns zero on success and a variety of error codes 
otherwise  source:Zack Booth; Inspired by the first line of Tolstoy's 
Anna Karenin (Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is 
unhappy in its own way.) i.e. all happy function calls are alike, every 
unhappy function call is unhappy in its own way.

Added by maya

D.I.W.O (Diwo's, or Diwo groups).
Expanded from the original term known as D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself). 
D.I.W.I.O 'Do It With Others'. Is more representive of contemporary, 
collaborative - art practice which explores through the creative process 
of using networks, in a collective manner.

Added by Marc Garrett.

Propriety that implies that through time, the Internet is forced to 
always become more and more chaotic.

Added by Clemos.

Catechstrophy - a disastrous technology problem or breakdown, 
particularly used in the context of live art, performance or 
installation which involves computers.

Added by Neil Jenkins.

Parasitic Media.
The parasite is the mystical computer glitch. The parasite is the 
bandwidth thief. The parasite is the invisible usurper. The shift that 
takes place in the host, if any, is one so gradual the parasite will be 
able to feed and thrive without detection. The invisibility of the 
parasite is only through the eyes of its host organism. Reference : 
www.carbondefense.org/writing_7.html -

Added by Ryan griffis.

gxxgle - verb- (to gxxgle).
To search for a search engine that fights censorship in the face of 
shareholder greed or state pressure. That doesn't contribute to the 
development of technology used to implement state firewalls see 
Reporters Without Borders http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=16262

Reference : furtherfield.org/boycott.html
Added by Rosalind.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] interfiction XIII/2006 - Kassel, 10.-12. November 2006

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden €

!-- www.interfiction.org --

interfiction XIII/2006
prosumer culture(s)
DIY-Produktion in einer Arena des Konsums

Interdisziplinaere Workshop-Tagung im Rahmen des 23. Kasseler
Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest
Kassel, 10. - 12. November 2006, Offener Kanal im KulturBahnhof

Der Begriff prosumer bezeichnet Personen, die gleichzeitig Verbraucher
(engl.: consumer) sowie Hersteller (engl.: producer) des von ihnen
Verwendeten sind. 1980 von dem amerikanischen Schriftsteller und Futurologen
Alvin Toffler in seinem Buch The Third Wave als Teil einer positiven
Utopie für die Technokultur des 21. Jahrhunderts eingefuehrt, scheinen die
prosumer mittlerweile tatsaechlich in der Gegenwart angekommen zu sein.
Fragt sich nur, wie die Realitaet (in) einer prosumer culture aussieht:
Wie funktioniert DIY-Produktion in einer Arena des Konsums?

Dieser und weiteren Fragen rund um das Thema prosumer culture(s)
will die diesjaehrige interfiction-Tagung mit Vortraegen, Praesentationen
und Workshops nachgehen.

Weiterfuehrende Ueberlegungen zum Radius des Themas sind im Prolog:
prosumer culture(s) unter http://www.interfiction.org/2006/call.html#prolog

Freitag, 10. November, ab 19.00 Uhr - Eroeffnungsabend
Samstag, 11. November, 11.00 - 19.00 Uhr und
Sonntag, 12. November, 11.00 - 17.00 Uhr - Workshop-Seminar

Karsten Asshauer (Berlin) - David Buob (Dresden) - Joanna Callaghan
(London) - Michael Haerdi (Schaffhausen) - Mindaugas Gapsevicius (Berlin)
- Yve le Grand (Barcelona) - Harald Hillgaertner (Frankfurt am Main) -
Stephan Koeperl (Stuttgart/Paris) - Verena Kuni (Frankfurt am Main)
-Anders Turge Lehr (Karlsruhe) - Elke Reinhuber (Kairo) - David
Schwertgen (Koeln/Berlin) - Susan Schmidt (Leipzig) -  Steffi Weismann
(Berlin) - Sylvia Winkler (Stuttgart/Paris) - Julie Woletz (Koeln)

Video-Special Konsum-Stockung
mit Arbeiten von Jürgen Bruegger  Joerg Haassengier (Kopfende Hassloch,
2006) - Ane Husman (Plac, 2006) - Michel Kloefkorn (Das Elend der
Angestellten, 2006) - Chris Niemeyer (30 Sekunden Schweiz, 2005) -
Stefan Panhans (Sieben bis zehn Millionen, 2005) - Michael Palm (Mozart
Sells, 2006) - Chris Palmer (NY Excuse (Soulwax), 2005) - Thomas Wimmer
(Sandbuerger, 2005) - Sylvia Winkler  Stephan Koeperl (Aber den Kunden
gefaellts doch!, 2006) - Run Wrake (Rabbit, 2005)
Samstag, 11. November 2006 - 11.30 Uhr im Kleinen Bali-Kino

MP3-Audio-Livestream des Eroeffnungsabends und des Workshop-Seminars

!-- www.interfiction.org --

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Call for proposals / Stipendium Medien Kunst Raum Unna

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden Inke Arns

Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 15:40:13 +0100
From: Francis Hunger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Call for proposals

(english below, sorry for crossposting!)

/// Medien Kunst Raum Unna schreibt Stipendium aus ///

Ein Stipendium zur Geschichte neuer Medien 
schreibt der MRKU aus. Gesucht sind vor allem 
Konzepte, die auf die gesellschaftlichen Folgen 
Neuer Technologien abzielen, ohne dabei 
zwangsweise hochtechnologisch angelegt zu sein. 
Aufgerufen sind MedienkünstlerInnen aus 
Deutschland und der Europäischen Union für den 
jurierten Wettbewerb eigene Konzepte für noch zu 
realisierende Arbeiten einzureichen. Die 
eingereichten Arbeiten sollen sich durch eine 
mediale und inhaltliche Durchdringung des 
gewählten Gegenstands, durch Ausstellbarkeit im 
Kunstkontext, sowie eine hohe künstlerische 
Qualität auszeichnen. Zusätzlich zum Konzept der 
geplanten künstlerischen Arbeit (2-3 Seiten A4) 
soll auch ein Vorschlag (1 Seite A4) für einen 
eintägigen Workshop mit Unnaer Jugendlichen 
eingereicht werden.

Das Stipendium ist einmalig mit 1500 Euro dotiert 
und wird vom Medien Kunst Raum Unna/ Zentrum für 
Information und Bildung vergeben. Die 
Materialkosten werden mit bis zu 300 Euro 
unterstützt und es erscheint eine Publikation. 
Eine Fachjury, bestehend aus einer KünstlerIn, 
einer KuratorIn und dem künstlerischen Leiter des 
MKRU wählt den/die Stipendiatin unter den 
eingereichten Vorschlägen aus. Das Ergebnis des 
Stipendiums wird in Unna präsentiert. Diese 
Präsentation ist mit einem Workshop mit Unnaer 
Jugendlichen gekoppelt, die Gelegenheit zur 
Auseinandersetzung mit (medien-) künstlerischen 
Arbeitsweisen erhalten sollen.

Teilnehmen können alle, die ihren Wohnsitz in 
einem Land der Europäischen Union haben. 
Bewerbungen werden in den Sprachen Deutsch und 
Englisch akzeptiert.

Deadline: 29. Dezember 2006, Einreicheformular: http://www.mkru.org

/// Medien Kunst Raum Unna - call for applications ///

The MKRU issues a grant addressing the history of 
new media. We are looking for concepts that 
address the social consequences of new 
technologies without necessarily employing high 
technology. Media artists from Germany and the 
European Union are called for proposals for works 
yet to be realized, selected by a professional 
jury. The proposal shall stand out through the 
medial and artistic pervasion of the chosen 
subject, the possibility to be exhibited in the 
art context and a high level of artistic quality. 
Additionally to the artistic concept (2-3 pages 
A4), a proposal (1 page A4) for a one-day 
workshop with Unna-based teenagers shall be 

The grant is awarded with a single amount of 1500 
Euros by the Medien Kunst Raum Unna/ Zentrum für 
Information und Bildung. Material expenses will 
be reimbursed up to 300 Euros and a publication 
will be released. The grant holder will be 
selected from the submitted entries by a 
professional jury consisting of an artist, a 
curator and the artistic director of Medien Kunst 
Raum Unna. The stipends outcome will be presented 
in Unna. The grant's presenta-tion is combined 
with a workshop addressing Unna-based teenagers, 
who thus will get a chance to learn more about 
(media-) artistic practices.

Eligible are individuals with residence in a 
country of the European Union. Proposals can be 
entered in German and English.

Deadline: December 29, 2006, Application form on http://www.mkru.org

Medien Kunst Raum Unna / ZIB
Francis Hunger
Lindenplatz 1
59423 Unna
Germany Tel: 02303-103-731 (Mo/Di)
Fax: 02303-103-799


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Avantgarda v vzvratnem ogledalu, Maska, Ljubljana, 2006

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden Inke Arns

Dear friends,

I am very happy to announce the publication of my 
book “Avantgarda v vzvratnem ogledalu (The 
Avant-Garde in the Rear-View Mirror). The Slovene 
edition - which is an updated version of my 2004 
PhD thesis - will be published at the end of 
November by Maska, Ljubljana.

There will be a book presentation on November 27, 
2006, in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana - separate 
announcement to follow!

Many greetings,
Inke Arns

* * *

Inke Arns
Objects in the mirror may be closer than they 
appear! Avantgarda v vzvratnem ogledalu (The 
Avant-Garde in the Rear-View Mirror), Ljubljana: 
Maska, 2006

The book researches a paradigmatic shift in the 
way artists reflect the historical avant-garde in 
visual and media art projects of the 1980s and 
1990s in (ex-) Yugoslavia and Russia. The reasons 
for this paradigm shift can be found in the 
changing relationship to the notion of utopia, 
both in its political and its artistic 
connotation. In the 1980s, the reception both in 
so-called Soviet postutopianism (Il'ja Kabakov, 
Erik Bulatov, Oleg Vasil'ev, Komar  Melamid, 
Collective Actions) and in the Yugoslav 
retro-avant-garde (NSK, Mladen Stilinovic, 
Malevic from Belgrade etc.) is characterized by a 
'discourse archeological' interest in the 
potentially totalitarian elements of the 
avant-garde. Yet this point of view changes 
fundamentally during the 1990s within a younger 
generation of artists (neoutopianism and 
retroutopianism). Retroutopianism (Marko Peljhan, 
Vadim Fishkin) no longer primarily equates the 
utopianism of the avant-garde with totalitarian 
tendencies, but this utopianism is reexamined 
with regard to its media technological 
projections and designs, which were not only 
developed by individual avant-garde artists, 
writers and theoreticians (Velimir Khlebnikov, 
Bertolt Brecht) but also by scientists and 
engineers during the early 20th century (Nikola 
Tesla, Herman Potocnik Noordung). Contemporary 
artistic projects reveal an increasing 
'media-archeological' fascination for the 
avant-garde's early utopian fantasies of 
technology. This fascination, in turn, is 
symptomatic for a significant change in the 
relationship to utopia and utopian thinking on 
the whole: utopian thinking per se separates from 
its unambiguously negative, 
political-totalitarian aftertaste (understood as 
'utopianism') and takes on a new positive 
political connotation. It is now understood as an 
emancipatory or visionary-spectral potentiality 

Inke Arns
Objects in the mirror may be closer than they 
appear! Avantgarda v vzvratnem ogledalu, 
Ljubljana: Maska, 2006

Approx. 320 pages
Illustrations in b/w
Format 170 X 240 mm
Slovene language
Price: 4.900 SIT (20.48 EUR)
25 % discount for Maska magazine subscribers: 3.675 SIT (15.34 EUR)



Dr. Inke Arns
Künstlerische Leiterin / Artistic Director
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Güntherstrasse 65 * D-44143 Dortmund
T ++49 (0) 231 - 823 106
F ++49 (0) 231 - 882 02 40

You have definitely missed:

PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, Aug 30 - Oct 29, 2006

Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin,  Sep 29 - Oct 29, 2006

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] [pavu.com] Magnifying Motion Square Film Festival - Week 2

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden jean-philippe halgand / pavu.com

LA pavu.com's Magnifying Motion Square - november 1 - november 30 2006
4 weeks - 4 films

dear cinéFriends,
pavu.com is NOW! to invite you to the 2nd screening week of its  
Magnifying Motion Square Festival

4 november Weeks will allow you to discover
4 Magnifying Motions,
all shot in Plining-Città between II 2005 and V 2006.

week 2 screening :
available from november 8 to november 14 2006

You enter pavu.com neXt roUTe KinoKraft Top ov the Cream era.
-/ Top ov the Cream ! /-

Magnifying Motion Square Film Festival
is a PINE!Building Pro. für pavu.com

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Call for proposals

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden Francis Hunger

(english below, sorry for crossposting!)

/// Medien Kunst Raum Unna schreibt Stipendium aus ///

Ein Stipendium zur Geschichte neuer Medien schreibt der MRKU aus. 
Gesucht sind vor allem Konzepte, die auf die gesellschaftlichen Folgen 
Neuer Technologien abzielen, ohne dabei zwangsweise hochtechnologisch 
angelegt zu sein. Aufgerufen sind MedienkünstlerInnen aus Deutschland 
und der Europäischen Union für den jurierten Wettbewerb eigene Konzepte 
für noch zu realisierende Arbeiten einzureichen. Die eingereichten 
Arbeiten sollen sich durch eine mediale und inhaltliche Durchdringung 
des gewählten Gegenstands, durch Ausstellbarkeit im Kunstkontext, sowie 
eine hohe künstlerische Qualität auszeichnen. Zusätzlich zum Konzept der 
geplanten künstlerischen Arbeit (2-3 Seiten A4) soll auch ein Vorschlag 
(1 Seite A4) für einen eintägigen Workshop mit Unnaer Jugendlichen 
eingereicht werden.

Das Stipendium ist einmalig mit 1500 Euro dotiert und wird vom Medien 
Kunst Raum Unna/ Zentrum für Information und Bildung vergeben. Die 
Materialkosten werden mit bis zu 300 Euro unterstützt und es erscheint 
eine Publikation. Eine Fachjury, bestehend aus einer KünstlerIn, einer 
KuratorIn und dem künstlerischen Leiter des MKRU wählt den/die 
Stipendiatin unter den eingereichten Vorschlägen aus. Das Ergebnis des 
Stipendiums wird in Unna präsentiert. Diese Präsentation ist mit einem 
Workshop mit Unnaer Jugendlichen gekoppelt, die Gelegenheit zur 
Auseinandersetzung mit (medien-) künstlerischen Arbeitsweisen erhalten 

Teilnehmen können alle, die ihren Wohnsitz in einem Land der 
Europäischen Union haben. Bewerbungen werden in den Sprachen Deutsch und 
Englisch akzeptiert.

Deadline: 29.Dezember 2006, Einreicheformular: http://www.mkru.org

/// Medien Kunst Raum Unna – call for applications ///

The MKRU issues a grant addressing the history of new media. We are 
looking for concepts that address the social consequences of new 
technologies without necessarily employing high technology. Media 
artists from Germany and the European Union are called for proposals for 
works yet to be realized, selected by a professional jury. The proposal 
shall stand out through the medial and artistic pervasion of the chosen 
subject, the possibility to be exhibited in the art context and a high 
level of artistic quality. Additionally to the artistic concept (2-3 
pages A4), a proposal (1 page A4) for a one-day workshop with Unna-based 
teenagers shall be entered.

The grant is awarded with a single amount of 1500 Euros by the Medien 
Kunst Raum Unna/ Zentrum für Information und Bildung. Material expenses 
will be reimbursed up to 300 Euros and a publication will be released. 
The grant holder will be selected from the submitted entries by a 
professional jury consisting of an artist, a curator and the artistic 
director of Medien Kunst Raum Unna. The stipends outcome will be 
presented in Unna. The grant’s presenta-tion is combined with a workshop 
addressing Unna-based teenagers, who thus will get a chance to learn 
more about (media-) artistic practices.

Eligible are individuals with residence in a country of the European 
Union. Proposals can be entered in German and English.

Deadline: December 29, 2006, Application form on http://www.mkru.org

Medien Kunst Raum Unna / ZIB
Francis Hunger
Lindenplatz 1
59423 Unna
Germany Tel: 02303-103-731 (Mo/Di)
Fax: 02303-103-799

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Ars Virtua Artist-in-Residence (AVAIR): Call for Proposals

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden Turbulence
Ars Virtua Artist-in-Residence (AVAIR): Call for Proposals
Deadline November 21, 2006

Ars Virtua Gallery and New Media Center in Second Life is soliciting
proposals for its artist-in-residence program. The deadline for submissions
is November 21, 2006. Established and emerging artists will work within the
3d rendered environment of Second Life. Each 11-week residency will
culminate in an exhibition and a community-based event. Residents will also
receive a $400 stipend, training and mentorship.

Ars Virtua Artist-in-Residence (AVAIR) is an extended performance that
examines what it means to reside in a place that has no physical location.

Ars Virtua presents artists with a radical alternative to real life
galleries: 1) Since it does not physically exist artists are not limited by
physics, material budgets, building codes or landlords. Their only
constraints are social conventions and (malleable-extensible) software. 2)
The gallery is accessible 24 hours a day to a potentially infinite number of
people in every part of the world simultaneously. 3) Because of the ever
evolving, flexible nature of Second Life the audience is a far less
predictable variable than one might find in a Real Life gallery. Residents
will be encouraged to explore, experiment with and challenge traditional
conventions of art making and distribution, value and the art market, artist
and audience, space and place.

Application Process: Artists are encouraged to log in to Second Life and
create an avatar BEFORE applying. Download the application requirements
here: http://arsvirtua.com/residence. Finalists will be contacted for an
interview. Interviews will take place from November 28-30.

About Ars Virtua: Ars Virtua is a new media center and gallery located
entirely in the synthetic world of Second Life. It is a new type of space
that leverages the tension between 3D rendered game space and terrestrial
reality, between simulated and simulation. Ars Virtua is a venue for new
genres; it is also a platform for showcasing traditional artists creating
still and moving images, for instance, who apply scripts to extend these
into the synthetic game environment. Ars Virtua maintains a close
relationship with the underlying animation engine that enables Second Life
architecture and 3D rendered sculpture. Ars Virtua brings the art audience
into new media rather than new media to the museum or gallery, and calls
upon its audience to interact with the art and one another via their avatars
within the space.

About Second Life: Second Life is a 3D online persistent space totally
created and evolved by its users. Within this vast and rapidly expanding
place, you can do, create or become just about anything you can imagine.
Built-in content creation tools let you make almost anything you can
imagine, in real time and in collaboration with others. An incredibly
detailed digital body ('Avatar') allows a rich and customizable identity.


AVAIR is a 2006 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., (aka
Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site. It was made possible with funding
from the Jerome Foundation.

Jo-Anne Green, Co-Director
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.: http://new-radio.org
New York: 917.548.7780 . Boston: 617.522.3856
Turbulence: http://turbulence.org
New American Radio: http://somewhere.org
Networked_Performance Blog: http://turbulence.org/blog
Upgrade! Boston: http://turbulence.org/upgrade 

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[spectre] [pavu.com] Magnifying Motion Square Film Festival - Week 2

2006-11-08 Diskussionsfäden ctgr-pavu.com

LA pavu.com's Magnifying Motion Square - november 1 - november 30 2006
4 weeks - 4 films

dear cinéFriends,
pavu.com is NOW! to invite you to the 2nd screening week of its 
Magnifying Motion Square Festival

4 november Weeks will allow you to discover
4 Magnifying Motions,
all shot in Plining-Città between II 2005 and V 2006.

week 2 screening :
available from november 8 to november 14 2006

You enter pavu.com neXt roUTe KinoKraft Top ov the Cream era.
-/ Top ov the Cream ! /-

Magnifying Motion Square Film Festival
is a PINE!Building Pro. für pavu.com

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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