[spectre] 121212 UpStage Festival Schedules Announced

2012-11-13 Diskussionsfäden helen varley jamieson

hi everyone,

Get our your diaries - the schedule of performances during the 121212 
UpStage Festival of Cyberformance has been announced!

This year the festival is in two parts, so there are two separate schedules:

 * "Walking backwards into the future", 5-11 December -- a programme of
   17 remounted cyberformances from the past five festivals.
   Schedule and time converters: http://upstage.org.nz/blog/?page_id=4328

 * "Testing -- 1 2, 1 2, 1 2?, 12 December -- new works in UpStage and
   other networked platforms.
   Schedule and time converters: http://upstage.org.nz/blog/?page_id=4058

Dan James (known online as Dan Untitled), who has been involved with 
UpStage since 2005 as a performer and curator, said that UpStage "... is 
a platform that enables people from all sorts of cultural backgrounds to 
easily interact with one another in real-time and share ideas, 
approaches and stories. People from all sorts of artistic backgrounds 
have found their way there -- visual artists, theatre people, musicians, 
DJs, VJs and animators."

Dan described UpStage as a blank stage and said that new audience 
members should "expect the unexpected!"

Download the media release announcing the schedule. 


helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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2012-11-13 Diskussionsfäden info

siguenos / folllow us: http://www.facebook.com/MADATAC

Tras un largo y difícil proceso de selección debido a la calidad y 
cantidad de obras (mas de doscientas) presentadas para la convocatoria 
de esta edición de la Muestra, finalmente adjuntamos la lista de los 
artistas y trabajos seleccionados para la Sección Oficial Internacional 

Gracias a todos los que habéis confiado otro año más en el proyecto MADATAC.

Os esperamos para participar en las interesantes actividades.



After a long and hard selection process due to the quality and quantity 
of work (more than two hundred) that applied for the call of this year 
edition, finally we have
the list of the artists and works selected for  MADATAC 04 Competitive 
Official International Section.
Thank's to all the participants for trusting on MADATAC project one more 

You are all welcome to assist this year exhilarating activities!



SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] The Coming Disturbance at MIX NYC, November 15th

2012-11-13 Diskussionsfäden micha cárdenas
The Coming Disturbance
MIX 25
curated by Zach Blas and Micha Cárdenas

Trailer: http://vimeo.com/52119174
WEB: http://mixnyc.org/mix/programs/disturbance

>From The Coming Insurrection to The Coming Community, it is clear that
something, or someone, is coming. As neoliberal capitalism continues
to collapse, new movements spring up daily, from the plazas of Madrid,
Mexico, Wall Street, and Quebec, to reject austerity capitalism and
its attempts to shut down both hope and dissent. These coming forms of
resistance against emerging mutations of capital will be speculative,
nanobiotechnological, and digitally global.unrecognizable as they
exceed our current understanding of the political and the economic.
These will be bodies of all kinds which have been considered monstrous
and now emerge as erotic and empowered. While some theorists have
declared the death of Queer Theory, we see hope in the claims of an
emerging Queer 2.0, even while we reject that binary formation. Ours
is a Queer X.X, where the X.X can refer to an abstract number, any
number.or, it can refer to the post-porn movement, to the chromosomes
of engineered creatures and organs, to the longitude and latitude of
queer lives outside grids of western epistemologies, to the
multiplicitous disturbances queer brings globally. The artists curated
in this program reimagine resistance in forms which cause disturbance,
by unnerving, decentering, and unraveling power rather than
acknowledging its solidity by trying to destroy it. These artists
respond to the rigidity of contemporary life with gooey, embodied,
networked, and highly technical means of imagining other possibilities
for life.
Zach Blas & Micha Cárdenas, guest curators.

Total Running Time: 76 min.



MIX 25 - NOVEMBER 13-18

Don't forget, MIX is known for magical spatial transformations (hint:
this year's theme involves cocooning and hammocks!), incredible
installation art (which you can read about here:
http://mixnyc.org/mix/installations), and a vibrant lounge space
populated by queer filmmakers, curators, artists, and, well, fabulous
hotties. Plan to HANG OUT BEFORE OR AFTER THE SHOW, enjoy a beverage
and some good company!



Elle Mehrmand
2011, USA, video, color, sound, 7 min. NY Premiere
wikiabmeyad analyzes diasporic anxiety through sonic ritual. The
holographic clone sings wikileaks cables about Iran in Farsi, English,
and Perz-ish [a faux-liminal language].

Fag Face and the Facial Weaponization Suite
Zach Blas
2012, USA, video, color, sound, 9 min. NY Premiere
The Facial Weaponization Suite is a response to scientific studies
that link determining sexual orientation through facial recognition
and a burgeoning culture of technologically-driven identification
calculation. The suite provides sets of masks for public intervention.
One mask, The Fag Face Mask, is generated from the biometric facial
data of many gay men’s faces, attempting to evade detection by
mechanisms of capture and recognition-control.

Microdances_2.1: Minimal Body
Jaime del Val
2005, Spain, video, color, sound, 10 min.
The second film of the series Microdances, Minimal Body is a series of
minimalist sequences of moving body fragments, an exploration of
unknown landscapes and possible languages, an approach to the body
that redraws its territories and hierarchies, an exploration of the
process of looking into the body and feeling the body, fragmented,
multiple, amplified.

Speculative Biologies
Pinar Yoldas
2012, Turkey/USA, video, color, sound, 2 min., NY Premiere
This video introduces synthetic organs, perverse anatomies, and sexual
excesses to interrogate the cultural perception of sex.

En un Fist Fast
Rocio Boliver / La Congelada de Uva
2012, Mexico, video, color, sound, 2 min.
Abjection builds awareness of post-porn power, which breaks away from
the outdated distinction between eroticism and pornography.

Living Viral Tattoos
Tagny Duff
2008, Canada, video, color, sound, 6 min. NY Premiere
This video features the development of eight living viral tattoos,
sculptural protoypes grown in a petri dish (in vitro). A series of
“bruises” are rendered on pig and human skin by viral vectors and
immunohistochemical stains.

*particle group*
2010, USA, video, color, sound, 16 min. NY Premiere
In her introduction to Tactical Media, Rita Raley underscores the
peculiar temporal ambitions of new media, its commitment to
"'temporary consensual zones,'" the "Next Five Minutes." Her
accompanying thesis: new media privileges disruption (the tactical)
over revolution (the strategic), resulting in a "politics [that] are a
metapolitics." Nano-Garage(s) works from the premise that poetic play
(signifyin'), as low-fi interruption, has the potential to integrate
the circuits, to (respectfully) challenge Raley's distinction.

UKI [performance documentation excerpts]
Shu Lea Ch

[spectre] Autonets: Performance and Workshop in Montreal Today and Tomorrow

2012-11-13 Diskussionsfäden micha cárdenas
I’ll be performing Wednesday in Montreal at HTMlles in collaboration
with Life After Life and the 2110 Center for Gender Advocacy at
Concordia. Join us!

Open process
co-hosted by PIXEL LIBRE
November 14, 20h
Eastern Bloc, 7240, Clark (metro de Castelnau)
Regular Price $10, Reduced Price $5

Nancy Mauro-Flude (AU), Micha Cárdenas (US), Jim Bell (CA), Anne Goldenberg (CA)
The theme of “Open Process” unites four artists, local and
international, who will share their creative processes, which is both
risky and full of possibilities – “by sharing our creative process
with others, we demystify the technology and create a larger community
to help each other, and to innovate.

Also, come to my workshops tomorrow in Montreal to be in the
performance! The first part of this workshop will focus on using
theater of the oppressed, dance and performance techniques to think
differently about different kinds of violence we face in our
communities and how we can respond collectively, using technology or
not. We’ll develop together a performance to present at HTMlles. So
the participants in the workshop will be asked to join me in the
performance, but of course it won’t be required. I’m hoping to get at
least 10 people to join the performance though.

Also, the second part of the workshop will be “pay what you can” and
focus on an introduction to wearable electronics using conductive
thread and fabric to develop handmade sensors such as pressure sensors
and flex sensors.


Inscription / Registration: ris...@htmlles.net

Partie 1: Free ! / Gratuite! | CENTRE 2110 FOR GENDER ADVOCACY
Partie 2: 20 – 30$ sliding scale / Tarif régulier: 30$ ; Tarif réduit:


WORKSHOP PART 1, 1pm-4pm, 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, 1500 de Maisonneuve
Free !

Workshop Part I – Local Autonomy Networks (Autonets) is a line of mesh
networked electronic clothing with the goal of building autonomous
local networks that don’t rely on corporate infrastructure to
function, inspired by community-based, anti-racist, prison
abolitionist responses to gendered violence. Autonets seeks to respond
to the daily risk of violence that continues to increase as capital
becomes less stable.
The Autonets workshop engages participants in a discussion, using
Theatre of the Oppressed and performance exercises, of how we can form
local networks of autonomy and solidarity in order to create
community-based responses to violences which are personal, gendered or
state sponsored.
Co-presented by Life After Life, a working group of QPIRG McGill and
QPIRG Concordia and an action group of the 2110 Centre for Gender

+ free
+ wheelchair accessible
+ traduction chuchotée
+ childcare available with 48 hours advance notice /
+ light snacks provided
+ supported by 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy and QPIRG-McGill


WORKSHOP PART II, 6pm-9pm, Eastern Bloc, 7240 Clark
20 – 30$ sliding scale
Payment at the door

Workshop Part II – Building Local Autonomy Networks – Interested
participants can take part in the second workshop on building mesh
networked wearable electronic fashion.

+ childcare available with 48 hours advance notice /


ATELIER PARTIE 1, 13h-16h, 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, 1500, rue
de Maisonneuve

Atelier Partie I – Local Autonomy Networks (Autonets) est une ligne de
vêtements électroniques en réseau maillé dont le but est de former des
réseaux autonomes locaux qui ne dépendent pas des infrastructures
commerciales pour fonctionner et qui sont en complémentarité avec les
stratégies communautaires contre le racisme et le complexe carcéral.
Autonets vise à combattre le risque quotidien de la violence qui ne
fait qu’augmenter à mesure que le capital devient de plus en plus
L’atelier sur les Autonets convie les participant-e-s à une discussion
sur les manières de créer des réseaux locaux autonomes de solidarité.
Utilisant des exercices de performance et le Théâtre de l’opprimé, cet
atelier vise à construire des stratégies issues de la communauté pour
faire face aux formes de violence personnelle, basée sur le genre et
Coprésenté par Life After Life (2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, QPIRG
McGill, QPIRG Concordial).

+ gratuit
+ accessible aux chaises roulantes
+ traduction chuchotée
+ gardiennage disponible avec 48 heures de pré-avis
+ avec collations
+ supported by 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy and QPIRG-McGill


ATELIER PARTIE II, 18h-21h, Eastern Bloc, 7240, rue Clark
Tarif régulier: 30$ ; Tarif réduit: 20$
Paiement à la porte

Atelier Partie II – Building Local Autonomy Networks – Un second
atelier pratique porte sur la fabrication de vêtements électroniques
en réseau maillé.
Paiement à la porte

Gardiennage disponible avec 48 heures de pré-avis


Presented as part of The HTMlles 10: Feminist Festival of Media Arts +
Digital Culture, November 10 – 18, 2012, produced b

[spectre] Hunting + Gathering in the Digital Wilderness - reviewed.

2012-11-13 Diskussionsfäden marc

Sorry for any cross posting...

Hunting + Gathering in the Digital Wilderness - reviewed.

By Leila Christine Nadir.

Leila Nadir reviews the show Collect the WWWorld: The Artist as 
Archivist in the Internet Age which took place recently at 319 Scholes 
in Brooklyn. The artists in this exhibition are collectors and 
archivists who, having explored the digital wilderness, have done some 
weeding in order to plant a garden of cultivated, nurtured, looked-after 

In an essay for the catalog of Collect the WWWorld: The Artist as 
Archivist in the Internet Age, an exhibition installed most recently at 
319 Scholes in Brooklyn, Josephine Bosma announces that the wilderness 
is back. Though modernity provided the means for humans to sequester 
themselves safely in comfortable houses, sheltered from nature’s seasons 
and its bad moods, Bosma points out that the boundaries between the 
indoors and outdoors, between the private and the public, have been 
broken down by digital technologies. As data slips into our most 
intimate spaces, the way rain and wind once ripped through primitive 
shelters like caves and huts, we return to "a rather basic form of 
humanity"―an uncanny "21st century version of ancient cultures and 
traditions.” Sorting through an "erratic, uneven mess” of information, 
human beings are once again hunters and gatherers. (Bosma 2011).


Other Info:

Furtherfield - A living, breathing, thriving network
http://www.furtherfield.org - for art, technology and social change since 1997

Also - Furtherfield Gallery&  Social Space:

About Furtherfield:

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Three biomedia performances in Rio de Janeiro: sonic, vexed, networked bodies

2012-11-13 Diskussionsfäden Marco Donnarumma
(Sorry for x-post)

SARC (Sonic Arts Research Center) and Multiplicidade Festival
with the support of the Transform initiative by the British Council

In Rio de Janeiro, a night of biomedia performances with Anna Weisling,
Miguel Ortiz, and Marco Donnarumma.


- Dentro, a music performance for brainwaves and hear-trate biointerface
- Liminal Corpus (world premiere), audio-visual trio for Xth Sense and
networked biological bodies (Weisling, Ortiz, Donnarumma)
- Hypo Chrysos (South America premiere), action art for vexed body and
biophysical media (Donnarumma)

Learn about the work on-line: http://marcodonnarumma.com/works/hypo-chrysos/

WHEN: h 19.00, Thursday 15th November 2012

WHERE: PANORAMA Performance Festival, Centro de Artes Helio Oiticica, Rio
De Janeiro


Curated by Batman Zavarese for Multiplicidade, organized by SARC, with the
support of British Council.

Hope to see some of you there,
best wishes,

Marco Donnarumma
New Media + Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher, Director.
Embodied Audio-Visual Interaction Research Team.
Department of Computing, Goldsmiths University of London
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com
Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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