Re: [spectre] Arts and Sciences

2006-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Simon Biggs
I imagine the response to Andreas's question will be conditioned by context and that this will be found to be variable from country to country and region to region. In countries such as Japan, the USA and Germany the focus in this area has often been on major centres, such as MIT. Focusing only


2006-02-27 Diskussionsfäden shelly silver
Dear All: I'm very pleased to announce the launch of the website: an experiment in community building and storytelling. Andrea, the creator of the website, is the fictional heroine of my upcoming film project '' She starts the website as a

[spectre] Lynn Hershman Leeson, Teknolust, 3 . März, 20 Uhr

2006-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Info
(Scroll down for English) Freitag, 3. März, 20 Uhr, Filmpräsentation Lynn Hershman Leeson Teknolust, 2001 Ein knallbunter Science Fiction der etwas anderen Art... In ihrem Spielfilm Teknolust widmet sich Lynn Hershman Leeson den Themen Kloning und Genmanipulation in einer artifiziellen Welt.

Re: [spectre] Arts and Sciences

2006-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Nina Czegledy
dear Friends and Collagues, geographical context (national or regional) as Simon noted, is a key determinator of artscience project development and dissemination. In Canada over the last years increased funding possibilities (such as the Canada Council for the Arts Natural Sciences Engineerings

[spectre] video art from Am é rica Latina (web link was missing)

2006-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Jose-Carlos Mariategui
Dear all: Sorry, in the last email I forgot the most important thing, the web site link, here it is: All the best, Jose-carlos V I D E O G R A F I A S I N ( V I S I B L E S ) [ (In)visible Videographies ] A selection of recent video art from América