Re: [spectre] digital culture networking event in Cluj/Romania

2006-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann
dear rarita, dear friends, this is excellent news! i look forward to coming to cluj next month and hope that a few others will also make it there for this third picnic. i found this page which has some useful first leads for travel information etc. i'd

[spectre] Centre Pompidou dimanche 7 mai 18h / L 'activisme électronique au grand jour

2006-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Latitia Boissoneau
Centre Pompidou Troisième oeil Dimanche 7 mai, 18h, niveau-1, petite salle. L'activisme électronique au grand jour : d'Internet aux médias mobiles libres, grandeur et visibilité de la politisation du réseau On attend toujours le grand soir...Mais si les forces politiques, sociales et

[spectre] Elektra7 Montreal : la semaine prochaine ! / Next week!

2006-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Elektra Elektra7 : la semaine prochaine ! Elektra7: Next week! Elektra dŽbute mardi prochain! Venez apprŽcier du 9 au 14 mai des oeuvres alliant musique Žlectronique et crŽation visuelle de pointe. Des artistes de Hollande, France, Angleterre, Belgique, ƒtats-Unis, Japon et

[spectre] Premiere of TECHNOCALYPS 10 May

2006-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
TECHNOCALYPS A documentary feature by Frank Theys 10 May (Premiere) 12 13 Antwerpen, 26 27 Brussels ‘Technocalyps’ is an intriguing three-part documentary on the notion of transhumanism by Belgian visual artist and filmmaker Frank Theys. The latest findings in genetics, robotics,

[spectre] my-ci: network of creative industries researchers practitioners

2006-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Invitation to join my-ci, a new email list on the creative industries MyCreativity: International Network of Creative Industries Researchers Practitioners Conference: 17-18 November, 2006, Amsterdam If you want to subscribe, please visit: On

[spectre] pourinfos Newsletter / 04-28 to 05-04-2006

2006-05-05 Diskussionsfäden xavier cahen l'actualité du monde de l'art / daily Art news --- infos from April 28, 2006 to May 4, 2006 (included) --- (mostly in french) @ 001 (04 05 2006)