Dear Spectre,

Posting here a recent interview of French historian Christophe Bonneuil,
meticulously translated to English by Crystelle Vu: 

Thoroughly recommended reading, not only as it deeply implicates the near future
of Europe itself.


'Climate and collapse: Only Through the Insurrection of Civil Societies Will We
Avoid the Worst'

Are we under the threat of an imminent "collapse" as a result of global warming
and the over-exploitation of resources? For the historian Christophe Bonneuil,
there is no question: major social, economic and geopolitical upheavals have
already been triggered and will only accelerate. Instead, the issue needs to be
repositioned, in turn inciting "political thinking" of the current situation:
who will be the winners and the losers? How can we exert an influence on the
nature of these changes? Mass migrations, risk of conflicts over resources:
despite his brutal observation of this emerging world, the historian appeals to
avoid the trap of a "romanticism" of collapse. "Another end of the world is
possible," he says. It is up to civil societies to write the final scenario.


Globally warm regards,

Julian Oliver
Beware the auto-complete life

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