[spectre] (no subject)

2007-02-20 Diskussionsfäden valery.grancher
Bonjour, English at the end of the message: J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer: 1- Mon direct sur direct 8 (http://www.direct8.fr) dans l'émission culture 8 art et web Jeudi 22 Février 2007 de 15h00 à 16h00 avec André Rouillet http://www.parisart.com, artprice et bien d'autres... 2-

[spectre] pole nord / north pole

2007-07-02 Diskussionsfäden valery.grancher
Hello, Bonjour, I have the pleasure to send to you some news : I 'm just coming back from a polar expedition done for the IPY international polar year with the french polar institute IPEV, with the support of Nikon, Analix forever gallery, Paula Prod, Espace d'art concret Honegger Albers

[spectre] FIAC 2008

2008-10-27 Diskussionsfäden valery.grancher
Hello No I will not be shown in the Paris artfairs, I am sorry to do not have any french gallery but anyway... So I am using the FIAC (The french International contemporary art fair) opportunity to launch my new website as an online gallery: http://www.valerygrancher.vg From 500 to 55