Dear Poet, 
from 8th to 31st October the international exhibition OLE.01 will take 
place at Royal Palace in Naples; I will exhibit there the interactive 
installation "Big Splash", which consists of digital photography on the 
theme of water + poems from around the world. 
You are invited to participate in the network of poets with a poem on 
the topic of water and / or motion / movement; the poem will be shown 
in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition. A selection of 
submitted poems will be included in an anthology and all submitted 
material  will be posted on the blog of the event. 
Join by sending your poem in a .doc document (the text must be included 
in a single A4 page), indicating your name at the bottom. 
Send your poem as soon as possible to the e-mail account davinio@tin.
it  if you want it to be exhibited/read in the Doric Room of the Royal 
Palace on the opening day, on October 8th! Waiting for you! 
Caterina Davino

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