> New Materialisms (Station 1)
> 15 . 07  - 05 . 08 . 2015
> part of the exhibition-in-progress New Materialisms
> artists: Petrič / Turšič . Praxis (digitized) . Armin Medosch
> curator: Darko Fritz
> program:
> 15 . 7. 21 h . Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič . informance (information 
> performance)
> 18 . 7. 21 h . Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič: Cosmosapiens and the TerRatop . 
> presentation
> 23 . 7. 22 h . Armin Medosch: What is history? Homage to Praxis, Praxis group 
> and Korčula Summer School . theoretical performance, peripatetic symposion 
> (The gathering between 9 and 10 pm)
> On July 15 at 9 pm, the exhibition New Materialisms (Station 1) will be open 
> at the gallery grey) (area – space for contemporary and media art in Korčula. 
> The exhibition presents audiovisual installation Voyager/ non-human agent by 
> Slovenian artistic duet Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič. At the opening the 
> artists will perform an informance (information performance).
> The exhibition also presents the digitized archive of Praxis journal, which 
> can be copied by the visitors to their USB sticks and external memory discs.
> Two separate presentations will be held in English: on July 18 at 9 pm Špela 
> Petrič and Miha Turšič will hold a presentation under the title Cosmosapiens 
> and the TerRatope, while on July 23  Armin Medosch will take us for a walk in 
> a form of peripatetic theoretical performance.
> New Materialisms (Station 1) is the first in the series of the three-year 
> program carried out in cooperation of grey) (area – space for contemporary 
> and media art from Korčula, HICA (Highlands Institute for Contemporary Art) 
> from Scotland and Technopolitics, association for development of new 
> discourses in art and science from Vienna. Project New Materialisms explores 
> the nature of auto-poietic (self-organized) neotworks, whereby  HICA's and 
> grey) (area dialogues with partners' organizations, spaces and artists will 
> be extending across Europe through 2016 and 2017. New Materialisms reflects 
> on the historically divergent art practices and related discourses of 
> Concrete Art and Conceptual Art, especially as identified through the 1960s, 
> as Modern and Postmodern, and as understood through the prism of today's 
> post-media approaches in fine arts, and the post-digital condition of 
> contemporary life (where the digital realm is interwoven through all aspects 
> of society). Accordingly, New Materialisms also forms a dialogue between 
> significant artists from this earlier period, who may be seen to be first 
> exploring the territory, and current practitioners, now operating within a 
> post-media context. Thus New Materialisms presents a mirroring of 
> “organismic” states, ultimately proposing aesthetic experience as a 
> significant mechanism in the processes of formation of the physical world.
> About the exhibited works and presentations
> Installation Voyager/ non-human agent uses algorithm and data collected from 
> the instruments from the spacecraft Voyager, which since 1977 has been 
> travelling across the universe. Existing space programs focus mainly on 
> understanding the farthest of our surroundings and on developing 
> technological solutions, but tend to overlook the importance of implementing 
> artistic development practices and methodologies in the form of a basic 
> question: What is it like to be a human in space?
> Voyager/ Non-human Agent project investigates the possible art forms in outer 
> space, a composite of art and science, and the processes of science 
> culturalization.
> In the frame of the presentation titled Cosmosapiens and the TerRatope Špela 
> Petrič will talk about the influences of the post-(bio)technological 
> interregnum on the developmental challenges of artwork about/with/from living 
> systems. She will discuss issues of authenticity, interfaces and paradigm 
> contestations in connection to her practice and interdisciplinary art-sci 
> collaborations. Miha Turšič, artist, designer and KSEVT (Cultural Centre for 
> European Space Technologies) director will present the ongoing mission of 
> incorporating arts and humanities as constitutional human practices into 
> space exploration programs. For this talk, he will focus on space 
> architecture, non-human habitability and post-gravity art.
> Exhibition New Materialisms (Station 1) also presents interdisciplinary works 
> based on the legacy of Korčula Summer School and Praxis Journal. The 
> collective of critical thinkers around the journal developed a singular 
> trajectory of humanist Marxist and socialist analysis in the context of 
> non-aligned Yugoslavia. Together with the affiliated Korčula summer school 
> the journal functioned as a hub for the exchange of critical perspectives 
> between the East and the West in the years 1963-1974. In the proceedings of 
> the summer school and the journal participated many prominent figures of the 
> period, a.o. Ernst Bloch, Herbert Marcuse, Henri Lefebvre, Karel Kosik, 
> Jürgen Habermas, Lucien Goldmann.
> Praxis (digitized) is a collection containing the (digitized) issues  of 
> Yugoslav, international, special and pocket editions of Praxis journal. It 
> also contains the journal Problemi and a smaller number of monographs that 
> provide context for the understanding of the work and historic significance 
> of the Praxis journal.  Praxis (digitized) is a part of the project Public 
> Library, accessible at http://praxis.memoryoftheworld.org.
> Public library is a project initiated by  Marcell Mars and  Tomislav Medak, 
> aimed at lobbying for the institution od public library and everybody's right 
> to access knowledge as its fundamental principle. Public library dwells on 
> the possibility of building distributed infrastructure for accessing 
> digitized knowledge, constructed by amateur librarians.  Within the Public 
> Library project, the collection Praxis (digitized) was created by  Ante 
> Lešaja and Tomislav Medak.
> Besides the archive Praxis (digitized), the work by Armin Medosch, Austrian 
> artist, theoretician and lecturer, also relies on Korčula Summer School and 
> Praxis journal legacy.
> On July 23 Armin Medosch will carry out the theoretical performance, 
> peripatetic symposion titled What is History? Hommage to Praxis journal, 
> Praxis group and Korčula Summer School that reflects on the mutuality of 
> interrelations among these phenomena. Through series of site specific 
> performative lectures, Armin Medosch will be exploring various notions of 
> materialism(s), historical, dialectical and new. Medosch's performative 
> lecture is an improvised free speech, putting forward the question: “What is 
> History?”. The topic of the second Korčula Summer School gathering, “What is 
> History?” will also be Armin's topic. To speak freely means to get back to 
> the origins of philosophy, to the form of friendly conversation. There will 
> be no script and there should also be no recording going on. One core topic 
> will be Praxis’ specific understanding of reflection theory, according art 
> and culture semi-autonomy in relation to the productive apparatus. Medosch 
> will seek to place Praxis in this respect in a context with Western Marxism 
> and its art theories, including Adorno, Marcuse, Lefebvre, Williams, Jameson 
> and others.
> Presenting Praxis legacy in manifold forms is also a part of the project 
> History of Contemporaneity, conceptualized and carried out by the informal 
> platform kor::net (Korčula Network), and which includes historiographic 
> research and mapping of highly relevant artistic and cultural practices that 
> marked the promotion of contemporary trends on the island of Korčula in the 
> 20th Ct.
> More at: http://korculanetwork.info/kornet/pages/praxis.
> More about the project, as well artists' bio, at 
> http://grey-area.org/exhibitions/NM1.
> gallery is open daily from 21 to 22 h
> Put Sv. Nikole bb (close to the town center)
> free entrance
> supported by
> zaklada Kultura Nova
> Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia

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