[spectre] I Am Your Body - Open Call for Participation - Deafness, embodiment, AI

2022-11-29 Diskussionsfäden Marco Donnarumma
Dear Spectrers, With this open call, performing arts center PACT Zollverein, artist Marco Donnarumma and the Intelligent Instruments Lab seek five D/deaf and hard of hearing persons interested in participating in and contributing to the research underpinning Marco’s forthcoming new project entitle

[spectre] Fwd: The Latvian Collection opens at Malmö Konstmuseum

2022-11-29 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann
Weitergeleitete Nachricht Betreff:The Latvian Collection opens at Malmö Konstmuseum Datum: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 11:01:06 + Von:e-flux The Latvian Collection opens at Malmö Konstmuseum In which ways are museums and artists vehicles for nation state building? How