[spectre] Natural City Symposium | Ideal Spaces Working Group | Sept 1-2 2023

2023-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Emőke Bada via SPECTRE
The* Natural* City* Symposium and Art Exhibition* will take place on the
weekend of September 1 & 2, 2023, at the Foundation’s base in Karlsruhe,
Germany. The venue is located within a landscape protection area outside
the city, has a large garden and a villa from the 1950s with the
possibility of an overnight stay. The symposium is organised in partnership
with Jeff Klotz


*The symposium will explore the following topic areas:*


   the history of the idea, and of the ‘natural’ & ‘green’ city in its
   history; and how this has manifested up to the present day;

   the urban (“city”) today as a non-place and ecological hazard;

   the natural/green city of the immediate future, and related to this,

   new places for new communities.

It will be a combination of short presentations and moderated discussions,
which will be published. The event shall be recorded and streamed live.

You can register for the free event by clicking this Eventbrite link

 - it will be possible to attend in-person or virtually



   Barbara Tagliolini, an Italian anthropologist, will report about a
   public garden of Roman origin, refurbished and reused by different
   multi-ethnic communities;

   Sam Olshin, US-architect, will report about new communal place-making
   for different stakeholders, using the space already existing in urban areas;

   Tim Kaysers, member of the chamber of Architects of Baden-Württemberg,
   will present a completely new approach on the topic of the “green” city

   *Botond Bognar*, Edgar A. Tafel Endowed Chair in Architecture at the
   University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will present the topic of “Japanese
   Architecture Returns to Nature and its Roots”

We look forward to seeing you there, reserve your spot here: Eventbrite link

 join us on location or online.

Best regards

Emőke Bada
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Natural City Symposium | Ideal Spaces Working Group

2023-07-04 Diskussionsfäden Emőke Bada via SPECTRE

To the Natural City Symposium and Art Exhibition

The symposium will explore the following topic areas:


   the history of the idea, and of the ‘natural’ & ‘green’ city in its
   history; and how this has manifested up to the present day;

   the urban (“city”) today as a non-place and ecological hazard;

   the natural/green city of the immediate future, and related to this,

   new places for new communities.

It will be a combination of short presentations and moderated discussions,
which will be published. The event shall be recorded and streamed live.

The event will take place on the weekend of September 1 & 2, 2023, at the
Foundation’s base in Karlsruhe, Germany. The venue is located within a
landscape protection area outside the city, has a large garden and a villa
from the 1950s with the possibility of an overnight stay. The symposium is
organised in partnership with Jeff Klotz




   Barbara Tagliolini, an Italian anthropologist, will report about a
   public garden of Roman origin, refurbished and reused by different
   multi-ethnic communities;

   Sam Olshin, US-architect, will report about new communal place-making
   for different stakeholders, using the space already existing in urban areas;

   Tim Kaysers, member of the chamber of Architects of Baden-Württemberg,
   will present a completely new approach on the topic of the “green” city

You can register for the free event by clicking this Eventbrite link

 - it will be possible to attend in-person or virtually.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: