
I'm trying hard to include support for Classical IPoATM
support in pppoa3. I've stealen^Wborrowed code from the eci
driver to include more encapsulations from rfc2684.

However i'm still far from connecting the modem through
pppoa3. So i post here the patch url in order to allow more
people trying to find the way to use pppoa3 and establish a
classical ipoatm connection (free.fr uses that)

The patch:

The new interesting option:
-r (see pppoa3 --help for a list of supported encapsulations)

The first two modes aren't implemented right, as they should
be pty slaves for ppp daemon, and they're using a tap device
at the moment. I wonder if a tun device could do the trick for
these modes.

What i've obversed:
When running pppoa3 this way for free.fr connection:
pppoa3 -vpi 8 -vci 36 -v 2 -r whatever_protocol

I do see some network traffic, but tcpdump doesn't recognize
the protocol. I tried every type of encapsulation mode, then
launching a dhcp client over the interface did not work (as
it's the case for the ethernet bridge freebox modem). That
doesn't surprises me, as the DHCP requests are usually carried
by ethernet frames, so maybe their DHCP server doesn't respond
when using ATM.

So i wonder if it's possible to connect with dhcp with the help
of these new encapsulations. Or if i still need to follow this
page advises:

And in that case, how do i set up atmarpd+pppoa3 (or is this

Edouard Gomez

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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