I'm attempting to create a custom reST directive, which returns a tree
of `containers`, two of which contain a `LiteralInclude` directive.
Here's the code for my extension module:

class AsmFileDirective(rst.Directive):
  required_arguments = 1
  optional_arguments = 0
  has_content = False

  def run(self):
    reference = self.arguments[0]

    sourceandoutput = nodes.container(classes=["sourceandoutput"])
    source = nodes.container(classes=["source"])
    source_header = nodes.container(classes=["header"])
    source_header.append(nodes.Text(reference + ".nasm"))
        name = self.name,
        arguments = ["code/" + reference + "/prog.nasm"],
        options = self.options,
        content = self.content,
        lineno = self.lineno,
        content_offset = self.content_offset,
        block_text = self.block_text,
        state = self.state,
        state_machine = self.state_machine

    output = nodes.container(classes=["source"])
    output_header = nodes.container(classes=["header"])
    filename = nodes.container(classes=["filename"])
    filename.append(nodes.Text("./" + reference))

    return [sourceandoutput]

def setup(app):
  app.add_directive("asmfile", AsmFileDirective)

I have two (and possibly more) problems with this:

(ERROR THE FIRST) When a `container` is written as html, I get the

Exception occurred:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/docutils-0.6-py2.6.egg/
docutils/writers/html4css1/__init__.py", line 362, in starttag
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'append'

So for some reason, the array that I'm passing in is getting converted
to a string .... ?  When I instead pass in a string, I get the same
error, obviously.

(ERROR THE SECOND) the arguments for instantiating a LiteralInclude
are horrendous, and I can't even identify the problems I'm having with

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