At Tuesday 25 August 2009 00:58:06
> 2) How can I sort members using autodoc in the order they were
> defined?
autodoc imports the module and analyzes its namespace, which is an unordered 
dictionary.  The order of definition cannot be restored from this dictionary. 
You have to discard the ":members:" option and order members for yourself:

.. autoclass:: Spam

   .. autoattribute::  number_of_eggs
   .. automethod::  some_eggs
   .. automethod::  some_more_eggs

> 3) How can I avoid sphinx to add parameter information to specific
> classes using autodoc?
If "parameter information" refers to the signature of the constructor, you 
have two ways:

1. Override the signature:

.. autoclass:: Spam(first_arg, second_arg)

2.  Connect a function to the "autodoc-process-signature" [1] signal by adding 
something like this to your "":

def process_signature(app, what, name, obj, opts, sig, ann):
    if what == 'class':
        return (('spam', ),)

def setup(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-process-signature', process_signature)

This will change the signature of all classes documented by autodoc to contain 
only one argument called "spam".

> 4) I have some dummy class named FOO. I'm using that class within
> parameter definitions, and the output I get using autodoc is the
> standard "<........FOO at .....>" stuff I don't want to see. How can I
> overwrite this? Overwriting the __repr__ or __str__ methods doesn't
> change that thing.

Use a signature processing function like describe above to remove or change 
this "FOO" parameter.  The original signature is available in the "signature" 
argument of this function.


Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
                                      (Rosa Luxemburg)

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